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Cody Jenson · 1 year ago

Midjourney V5 and ChatGPT 4

Within the last couple weeks there have been some amazing new releases in the AI world including a new version of Midjourney and a new version of ChatGPT. These upgrades are pretty incredibl...

Omar Moustafa · 1 year ago

Next-level Security: Passwordless Authentication with Prisma

Authentication is the most thing that a user does on a website, logging in or out, and it's necessary to take your application's authentication to the next level with password-less authentic...

Diogo Capela · 1 year ago

Learn CSS by playing games

CSS is an essential part of web development, as it determines most of the layout and appearance of websites. If you are looking to brush up on your CSS skills, these can be a great way to le...

Rahul · 1 year ago

Don't Miss Out: 10 Essential Apps(and websites) for Keeping Up With Dev News

Whatever type of developer you are, staying up-to-date with the latest news and trends is the key to success. But with so many sources and tools available, it can be overwhelming to keep tra...

Rahul · 1 year ago

Mastering Nested CSS Selectors: Tips and Techniques

Have you been trying to learn more about CSS selectors, but feeling a little overwhelmed? Well, you're in the right place! Mastering CSS selectors don't have to be a daunting task. You can s...

Souptik Debnath · 1 year ago

8 Free Avatar Tools

Avatars are digital representations of individuals or characters that have become a important factor of our digital lives. It helps us to express ourselves and engage with others, from socia...

jeblister · 1 year ago

Exploring Data Fetching in SvelteKit's latest version

In this article, we'll examine how to fetch data in SvelteKit's latest version, including methods to fix any issues caused by the breaking changes. We'll discuss the fundamentals to help you...

Valerio · 2 years ago

Custom Tooltip Directive in Vuejs 3: Tutorial

Custom directives in Vuejs 3 are one of those things where there is no compatibility with the previous version of the framework. Working on the new version of the Inspector frontend dashboar...

Saeed Khan · 2 years ago

Python PostgreSQL Integration

Introduction In Data Engineering first thing we need to do is connect and extract data from a data source. The data sources can be of many types, like: Relational Databases (E.g. Oracle, P...

Souptik Debnath · 2 years ago

10 Amazing Books For Every Designer

There are countless books out there that can help you become a better designer, whether you're looking for inspiration, practical tips or just some storytelling. In this article, we'll be ta...

digitalizedsnake · 2 years ago

Getting Started with Selenium (Python)

Introduction Selenium is a powerful tool for automating web browsers, and it can be especially useful for web developers looking to test their applications or automate repetitive tasks. Here...

Nico Deblauwe · 2 years ago

Optimally creating a fresh Laravel project

Every time I'm installing a fresh Laravel project, I find myself following the same steps over and over again. As I've written them out (so it's easier for me to execute them without forgett...

Baransel · 2 years ago

A Comprehensive Guide to Getting Started with PHP: Tips, Tricks, and Code Examples

Basic Syntax Before we dive into the tips and tricks, let's go over the basic syntax of PHP. Here's a simple example that outputs "Hello, World!" to the screen: <?php echo &quo...

Rahul · 2 years ago

A guide to CSS Color functions in 2023

Hey, there fellow developers! Today we're going to dive into the world of CSS color functions. You might have used CSS to change the color of an element on a web page, but have you ever hear...

Omar Moustafa · 2 years ago

How to use ChatGPT-3 in Python

ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art language model developed by OpenAI. It is a deep learning model trained on a vast amount of text data, allowing it to generate human-like text and respond to te...

Kaushal Joshi · 2 years ago

Is Create React App Really Dead? What Are Other Options?

If you are active on tech Twitter, follow web-dev YouTubers, or read blogs, you know what I am talking about. For the past few months, there has been a lot of discussions about how create-re...

Baransel · 2 years ago

Getting Started with Python: Tips, Tricks, and Code Examples

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is widely used for a variety of applications, including web development, scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelli...

Rahul · 2 years ago

Top 21 Chrome Extensions for Designers and Developers in 2023

As a designer or developer, you know that Chrome is one of the most important tools in your arsenal. And with so many extensions available, it's hard to know which ones are really worth your...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

How to show Github contributors of a file?

While browsing the Ant Design documentation, I noticed that they show the GitHub contributors of a file at the bottom of the page. I thought it was a nice feature and wanted to blog about it...

amenaisabuwala · 2 years ago

Let's make JavaScript logo with HTML and CSS! 💛

Heyy Smarties! 😎 How are you all doing? Hope you all are doing well! Today we are gonna make a JS logo with HTML and CSS it's gonna be fun! 🥳 And when you'll make it you need to post on T...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

Creating a rewards system with JavaScript

Losing users is a common problem for many apps. One way to keep users engaged is to reward them for their daily activities. A lot of apps do this by giving users a daily login bonus such as...

Rahul · 2 years ago

Unlocking the Power of Polymorphism in JavaScript: A Deep Dive

Polymorphism is a concept in object-oriented programming that allows objects of different types to be treated as objects of a common type. This allows for more flexible and reusable code, as...

marinsborg · 2 years ago

Learn Python functions & create a simple project

Functions are key elements of programming. They are used in most programming languages. Functions allow you to break your code into smaller pieces. That way your code is easier to manage and...

Mayank Ranjan · 2 years ago

Speed Up Your Startup Time Using AWS Lambda SnapStart

The time the user interacts with the application is limited. The longer the startup time, the lower the number of users. Most applications are built assuming they will be run on a PC or a la...

Cody Jenson · 2 years ago

How to output the raw SQL query in Laravel

Laravel does a lot of magic behind the scenes when fetching data from the database. Luckily there are some really easy ways to get the raw SQL query so that you can understand everything tha...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

Detect whether two tabs are opened in JavaScript

If you ever used WhatsApp Web, you might have noticed that it shows a warning if you open the same account in two different tabs. I wondered how they did it, so I decided to research it and...

Rahul · 2 years ago

32 best JavaScript snippets (one-liners) in 2023

Hi there, my name is Rahul and I am 18 years old. My goal is to become a successful developer, and I am interested in building web apps with frontend technologies. Today, I'd like to share s...

Kim Hallberg · 2 years ago

How to use Bootstrap with Laravel and Vite

While the Laravel community now mostly uses Tailwind CSS. Bootstrap - one of the most used CSS frameworks currently on the market, is still widely used by a portion of the community. Since L...

Usman · 2 years ago

🎣 Webhooks Demystified - Get Real-Time Personal Notifications with Discord Webhooks

Hey all 👋👋 Webhooks are a powerful tool that allow applications to communicate with each other in real-time. They are often used to send notifications or updates from one system to another...

Cody Jenson · 2 years ago

Using the Filament Table Builder

Tables are a common way to display data in your application. If you are building your application using Laravel you can take advantage of the Filament Table builder to add data tables to you...

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