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CTO & founder at

Valerio · 11 months ago

New level of control for error notifications in Inspector

The latest product update includes some changes in the configuration of error notifications. Now you can configure error occurrences notification separately for each error group and not only...

Valerio · 1 year ago

Observability vs monitoring

In this article I would share my experience working in the monitoring industry by providing some insights for the following questions about observability and monitoring: Is observability th...

Valerio · 1 year ago

The Architecture of Inspector Machine Learning API

In this article I want to share with you the design of the early version for the upcoming Inspector Machine Learning API architecture. We will focus on how we want to utilize this new intern...

Valerio · 1 year ago

AWS SQS in a large scale application

In today's article, I'm going to show you how we use AWS SQS in our Laravel application, and how it helps us to manage 1.6 billion operations each month. In the image below you can see our t...

Valerio · 1 year ago

Custom Tooltip Directive in Vuejs 3: Tutorial

Custom directives in Vuejs 3 are one of those things where there is no compatibility with the previous version of the framework. Working on the new version of the Inspector frontend dashboar...

Valerio · 1 year ago

Why and how to create an Event Bus in Vuejs 3

Have you ever used an event bus in Vue 2 and don't know how to recreate it in Vue 3? Since I'm working on the 2.0 version of my product's UI (to be released in May) I'm publishing some techn...

Valerio · 1 year ago

How to make Vite Hot Module Replacement work on Windows

As many of our community mamebers already know, we recently started the renovation of the Inspector dashboard UI with a fresh new design and a modern technology stack. In this article I will...

Valerio · 1 year ago

Laravel Vapor application observability with Inspector

Recently, more and more Inspector customers are writing to me for advice on how to integrate our observability platform to monitor their Laravel application deployed in the AWS serverless en...

Valerio · 1 year ago

Save 1.2 million queries per day with Laravel Eager Loading

Since various elements of the Inspector backend rely on Laravel, I worked a lot with the ORM component myself, and its Eager Loading features. The tradeoff in using an ORM always remains tre...

Valerio · 1 year ago

What is Autoscaling and how we use it to scale Inspector

A nightmare (or a dream 🙂 ) for any software developer is an unexpected high influx of traffic or a sudden change in usage patterns that cause an application crash due to lack of computing...

Valerio · 1 year ago

What Are Source Maps and How to Properly Use Them

You are debugging a web app for a client but the minified version of the Javascript and CSS code makes it impossible to understand what statements the browser is actually executing. You coul...

Valerio · 2 years ago

AWS Lambda Timeout and How to Overcome It

It's happened to the best of us. You're in the middle of a task when all of a sudden, the inevitable lambda timeout occurs. Running into a timeout can feel like a bit of a setback when you'r...

Valerio · 2 years ago

How to use Telegram as notification channel for application monitoring

Hi, I'm Valerio, founder and CTO at Inspector. I'm so happy to share with you the last product updates for your preferred Code Execution Monitoring platform 😊. New Telegram notification cha...

Valerio · 2 years ago

How to enable HTTPS in Laravel Homestead

Hi, I'm Valerio Barbera, software engineer, founder and CTO at Inspector. In this article I'll show you how to enable HTTPS for your local applications served by Homestead. I met this need b...

Valerio · 2 years ago

Laravel cron scheduling and its secrets

Hi, I'm Valerio Barbera, software engineer, founder and CTO at Inspector. One of the most useful features of Laravel is the cron scheduling system.The official documentation clearly explains...

Valerio · 2 years ago

Laravel validation and custom rules in Inspector

Hi, I'm Valerio Barbera, software engineer, founder and CTO at Inspector. Data validation is one of the fundamental features in any application and it is something developers manipulate almo...

Valerio · 2 years ago

How 2FA, and other security features work to protect your account

Hi, I'm Valerio Barbera, software engineer, founder and CTO at Inspector. A recent product update introduced new security features for the Inspector user account. I learned a lot more about...

Valerio · 2 years ago

[Resolved] CROSSSLOT Keys error in Redis cluster-mode enabled

Hi, I'm Valerio, founder and CTO at Inspector. As the Inspector's cache system runs on Redis, we recently decided to move from a single Redis server to an AWS managed Redis cluster. Amazon E...

Valerio · 2 years ago

How to monitor your Laravel application by services not by hostnames

Hi, I'm Valerio, software engineer, founder & CTO at Inspector. I decided to write this post following a support request from a developer who asked me how he can monitor his Laravel appl...

Valerio · 2 years ago

How Code Execution Monitoring can help you to identify bugs and bottlenecks in your application before your customers do

Hi, I'm Valerio, software engineer, CTO & founder at Inspector, a monitoring platform used by developers in more than ten countries. In this article I would share my experience working i...

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