🎓 Developer Courses -

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Bobby Iliev · 3 years ago

Introduction to Git and GitHub

Welcome to this Git and GitHub basics video course! In this Git crash course, you will learn the basics of Git so you can use Git to track your code changes and collaborate with other member...

Bobby Iliev · 4 years ago

Introduction to Bash Scripting

Hello everybody! Welcome to this Introduction to bash scripting video series, where you will learn the basics of bash scripting and start creating some awesome scripts! My name is Bobby and...

Tony Lea · 4 years ago

Laravel 7 Basics

In this video series I will teach you the basics about Laravel 7. This series is for anyone who does not know Laravel and wants to learn the basics. You will need to know the basics of PHP t...

Tony Lea · 4 years ago

PHP Basics

In this course you are going to learn the basics of PHP. In this course we'll cover the following topics:

Michael Dyrynda · 4 years ago

Introducing Pest - An elegant PHP testing framework

Pest is a testing framework for PHP that provides an elegant interface over the top of PHPUnit.It is a framework-agnostic testing framework, but we'll be learn all about it using Laravel as...

Brian Peck · 5 years ago

Linux Command Line Basics

In this course you will learn how to use the Linux Command Line. You will learn the basics of commands you can run in Linux and you will also learn some more advanced commands.Go from Linux...

Michael Dyrynda · 6 years ago

Laravel Events

Learn how to use Laravel Events to allow certain parts of your app to subscribe and listen for specific events. This will allow you to easily decouple various parts of your application meani...

Michael Dyrynda · 6 years ago


Vagabond is a project that lets you leverage Nomad - Laravel-style database migrations wherever they may roam.Nomad gives you the power of Laravel's database migrations without the need for...

Tony Lea · 6 years ago

Laravel Wave

In this course you will learn how to use Wave to build the next greatest Software as a Service. Wave was built using Laravel and Voyager. You can download a Wave with a Premium subscription...

Tony Lea · 6 years ago

Creating a Simple PHP Router

This video course will teach you the basics on creating a simple PHP router. Let's learn how to create a simple routing system with PHP. 

Tony Lea · 6 years ago

Voyager Academy

In this video course you are going to learn the ins and outs of using Voyager. You will learn how you can use Voyager to administer your Laravel application.

Tony Lea · 6 years ago

Creating a Laravel Package

In this video course you will learn how to create a simple Laravel Package.

Tony Lea · 6 years ago

Nice to Meet Vue 2

This course is really easy to follow and it will teach you the basics about Vue.js. You can find all the source code used in this series by visiting the github repo: https://github.com/...

Tony Lea · 6 years ago

Laravel Dusk

In this course you will learn how to use Laravel Dusk. Dusk is a testing framework for Laravel which allows your to run end-to-end tests for your application. You can think of it like creati...

Tony Lea · 6 years ago

Laravel Voyager 0.10

In this course you will learn about Laravel Voyager. Voyager is an admin for your Laravel application. You can build the front-end of your application and let Voyager handle all the back-end...

Tony Lea · 6 years ago

Laravel 5.3 Basics

In this course you are going to learn the ins-and-outs of Laravel 5.3. This course will teach you all you need to start creating web applications in Laravel 5.Take a look at the course break...

Tony Lea · 6 years ago

Getting More with Less CSS

In this course you will learn how to use Less. Less is a tool to build more efficient and dynamic CSS. You can use Less to compile into efficient and compatible CSS for your website. This wi...

Tony Lea · 6 years ago

Gulp JS

In this video course you will learn how to use GulpJS to automate & compile your assets and your javascript files. Gulp can save you a lot of time and automate tasks for your web applica...

Tony Lea · 6 years ago

Laravel 5.2 Basics

In this video course you will learn how to build applications with Laravel 5.2. You will learn routing, controllers, views, models, and so much more. Take a look at the course breakdown belo...

Tony Lea · 6 years ago

Laravel 5.1 Basics

In this video series we will be going through the basics of Laravel 5.1. This series contains 12 videos which include the following:

Tony Lea · 6 years ago

How to Create a jQuery Slider

In this course you will learn how to create a simple jquery slider. You'll learn how easy it can be to create your own custom slider. Check out the course break down below:

Tony Lea · 6 years ago

Javascript Basics

In this course we are going to teach you all about Javascript basics. You will learn about variables, operators, conditional statements, loops, functions, objects, arrays, and so much more.T...

Tony Lea · 6 years ago

HTML5 Platform Game

In this course we'll be showing you how to create an HTML5 Platform Game. In this course we'll be walking through step-by-step on how to draw an intro screen, draw the character to the scree...

Tony Lea · 6 years ago

CSS Basics

In this course you'll learn how to use CSS to add styles to your HTML webpages. This course contains 10 videos and will teach you the basics on CSS. Take a look at the course break down belo...

Tony Lea · 6 years ago

HTML Basics

In this course you are going to learn the basics of HTML. This course contains 10 easy to consume videos which you can complete in under 40 minutes. At the end of this course you will be abl...

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