Tony Lea


10377 Points 485 Followers

192 Posts

130 Answers

Hey there, my name is Tony. I'm a web developer, dad, husband, and creator of the DevDojo.

Tony Lea · 4 months ago

Livewire VS Inertia

When you start learning Laravel, you will also need to choose a stack that suits your needs and preferences. Livewire or Inertia? Both offer unique benefits and can change how you build your...

Tony Lea · 1 year ago

Laravel Volt

Laravel Volt is a new package that was announced during Laracon 2023. Volt brings the power of single file Livewire components to Laravel and it works seamlessly with Folio. Similar to how R...

Tony Lea · 1 year ago

Laravel Folio

Laravel Folio is a page-based routing system introduced to Laravel at LaraconUS 2023. With Folio you can map a route to a specific file or folder, similar to the file-based routing systems f...

Tony Lea · 2 years ago

Column/Masonry layouts in TailwindCSS

Column layouts or masonry layouts allows you to align images and content in a grid view without additional whitespace. This layout used to be painful to implement in previous versions of CSS...

Tony Lea · 2 years ago

Developer Tips on Becoming Your Own Boss

I can pinpoint the moment I got excited about the possibility of becoming my own boss. I stumbled upon a magazine article (yep, magazine... which means it was a while ago). The article featu...

Tony Lea · 2 years ago

Web3 Acronyms

The awesome world of Web3 is fascinating; however, there are so many acronyms that it may have you scratch'n the ol'noggin a few times. In this post, I want to help you out by decoding 10 Po...

Tony Lea · 2 years ago

Why Developers Love Solana

If you're a developer, you should be excited about virtual currency. It's like living in a real-life Mario Bros game, collecting coins that have real value. {% giphy

Tony Lea · 2 years ago

Laravel Origins Documentary

Tomorrow at (18:00CET), it's time to break out some popcorn 🍿 and get ready for an awesome story about Laravel. Showtime-zone listed below: 18:00 CET 12:00PM EST 09:00AM PST Checkou...

Tony Lea · 2 years ago

Checking for valid HTML strings in Javascript

I had a scenario where I needed to validate an HTML string to make sure it is correctly structured. In this quick tutorial I will show you an example of how to check if an HTML string is val...

Tony Lea · 2 years ago

Sidecar for Laravel

Sidecar is an awesome Laravel package that will allow you to run Lambda functions directly from your Laravel application. Meaning you can run Node, Python, Ruby, Java, Go, and many others th...

Tony Lea · 2 years ago

Laracon Online is Tomorrow

Larcon Online 2022 is happening tomorrow 🍾 and it will be streaming FREE on YouTube, so there's no reason you shouldn't tune in, check out all the awesome talks, and get your nerd on 🤓 {%...

Tony Lea · 2 years ago

Introduction to Javascript Proxy

What is a Javascript Proxy? Glad you asked because in this quick tutorial I'm going to teach you what they are and how to use them. But first, a quick definition. A Javascript Proxy is simpl...

Tony Lea · 2 years ago

Ignoring Specific Elements in VS Code Beautify

The Beautify VSCode plug-in is amazing for formatting and cleaning code. With a quick call to the plugin-in we can transform nasty looking HTML into a beautifully structured format 💅 The o...

Tony Lea · 2 years ago

Creating Modals in Laravel Livewire

In this tutorial I will show you how to create simple modals in Laravel Livewire. We are going to make use of an awesome package called LivewireUI Modal. This package allows you to create so...

Tony Lea · 2 years ago

Setting Alpine Data Outside of the Component

Using the new AlpineJS event system in version 3.0 we can easily set data from outside the component by using custom events. I had previously written an article where I showed you how to get...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

TailwindCSS Scroll Snap Utilities

When TailwindCSS v3 is released, we will have some awesome new utility classes to include in our pages. One of which is the the scroll-snap utilities. This will allow you to easily add simpl...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

Getting Started with Three JS

ThreeJS is one of the most popular libraries for displaying 3D content on a webpage. You can see a lot of examples of the cool stuff you can create, by checking out their homepage. In this q...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

Tailwind V3 Alpha Release 🎉

Last week, TailwindCSS version 3.0 alpha-release was announced with some really cool features and updates! {% giphy %} In this quick post I'll highlight...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

Laravel Scopes

Laravel scopes can come in really handy when you need to query data multiple times. It will also make your queries easier to read and manage. If you are unfamiliar with Laravel Scopes. This...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

MarkdownX Editor 🎉

Our MarkdownX editor is officially live and available on the DevDojo. It's also available for you to use in your TallStack applications 🍻. If this is your first time hearing about the Markd...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

Include HTML inside of HTML

I was searching for a simple solution that would allow me to include an HTML partial inside of another HTML file without a server-side language or the need for a javascript build process. Wh...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

Laravel & Deployer on Cloudways

Deploying your application is a super important part of growing your application. If it is easy to deploy, you will most likely push code more often and get things done quicker. So, in this...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

Laravel Livewire Trix Editor Component

In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to create a Trix Editor Component in Laravel Livewire. Trix Editor is an amazing rich text editor for adding beautifully formatted text to your app...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

Turning Side-Projects into Full-Time Projects

As developers, most of us aspire to build a product or side-project that can make us riches 💰 and gives us a life that others envy. But, this is much easier said than done. Not many people...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

Launching a Laravel app via Cloudways API

In this tutorial I'm going to show you how easy it is to launch a Laravel application on a Cloudways server, via their API. We are going to launch the Laravel application via an API inside o...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

TailwindCSS 2.2 in 22 seconds

Want to learn what's new in TailwindCSS 2.2 in 22 seconds? Maybe that's a little too ambitious 🤪. It might be more like 122 seconds. Either way, in this tutorial, you will learn the new thi...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

5 things to know about creating a SaaS

When it really comes down to it, there is no right or wrong way to build something. Many factors can play into the success or failure of an application. That's why it's good to have as much...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

Laravel Real-Time Facades

Real-time Facades have been available since version 5 of Laravel; however, I haven't used them much until now. Since I'm just discovering how these work, I thought it would be helpful to do...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

Alpine Day & AlpineJS v3

Today @calebporzio, creator of AlpineJS, just announced the date for AlpineDay, which is June 10th, 2021 🎉. If you ever needed an excuse to blow off work and hang out with some incredible p...

Tony Lea · 3 years ago

New Cover Photo Image Generator 😉

Creating a good developer article or tutorial can be challenging enough without worrying about the image cover. Thankfully today, we are introducing a new Image Generator for your developer...

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