Posandu Mapa


2472 Points 38 Followers

27 Posts

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14. JavaScript and PHP lover. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/posandu

Posandu Mapa · 1 year ago

Discovering Svelte: Things I Learned While Using Svelte

So, I've been playing around with Svelte, this unique JavaScript compiler, for a while now, and let me tell you, it's awesome! As someone who's experienced with React, using Svelte feels lik...

Posandu Mapa · 1 year ago

How to show Github contributors of a file?

While browsing the Ant Design documentation, I noticed that they show the GitHub contributors of a file at the bottom of the page. I thought it was a nice feature and wanted to blog about it...

Posandu Mapa · 1 year ago

Creating a rewards system with JavaScript

Losing users is a common problem for many apps. One way to keep users engaged is to reward them for their daily activities. A lot of apps do this by giving users a daily login bonus such as...

Posandu Mapa · 1 year ago

Detect whether two tabs are opened in JavaScript

If you ever used WhatsApp Web, you might have noticed that it shows a warning if you open the same account in two different tabs. I wondered how they did it, so I decided to research it and...

Posandu Mapa · 1 year ago

How to add Prisma to a Next.js project

In this article, you will learn how to add Prisma to a Next.js project. You will learn how to set up Prisma and connect it to a MySQL database. Let's get started! What is Prisma? Prisma is a...

Posandu Mapa · 1 year ago

Adding your discord status to a website

Using a status message is a great way to show info about you. Discord, the most popular chat app for devs has some advanced status features. They include: Normal text messages Song playing...

Posandu Mapa · 1 year ago

Adding Firebase authentication to a Next.js app

Introduction In this tutorial, we'll learn how to add Firebase authentication to a Next.js app. We'll use Firebase's authentication service to create a login page with Google authentication....

Posandu Mapa · 1 year ago

Refactoring JavaScript code efficiently 🌳

Javascript is a cool language if you did everything right. But, without any refactoring, it may result in some messy code which will give unexpected results. In this article, I'll show some...

Posandu Mapa · 1 year ago

Javascript shorthand tricks 🔥

While writing code, we often write long lines of code. But some techniques can help us write shorter code. When we write shorter code, it is easier to read and understand (Not always, but mo...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

Creating a Discord bot with JavaScript and hosting it

Discord bots are a great way to automate tasks and make your server more fun. This guide will show you how to make a discord bot with JavaScript and host it for free. You will need some basi...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

Create a poll app using NextJS

Intro In this tutorial, we'll make a poll app using NextJS, Prisma and MySQL. You can find the final code in the end of this article. Prerequisites You need some basic understanding of NextJ...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

React Cheat Sheet - Learn the basics of React 🔥

React is a JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in th...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

Creating a todo CLI with Rust 🔥

Hey! in this article, we'll build a to-do CLI application with Rust. Local JSON files are used to store the data. Here's a preview of the app: Let's get started! Getting started First, we c...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

Create a simple static site generator with Rust

This is a simple static site generator written in Rust. It is a simple example of how to use Rust programming to create fast and efficient static site generators. PS: I made this for fun and...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

16+ JavaScript snippets to save your time

I made some JavaScript snippets to save you some time. See them below and let me know your thoughts! Detect if dark mode This snippet detects if the user is in dark mode. And if so, it retur...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

Creating an infinite scrollable list with JavaScript

Infinite scroll is a modern web development technique that allows you to create an infinitely scrollable list. This is useful for creating a list of items that can be scrolled through withou...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

Best UI libraries for React

If you don't like writing CSS, you can use a UI library that does all the hard work for you. But there are a lot of options. So In this article, I will compare the best React UI libraries an...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

console.log alternatives you didn't know 😮

Now, think that you are writing some JS code and it doesn't work correctly. What's the first thing you do? You are console.logging it! So I'm going to tell you some alternatives for console....

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

CSS properties you should know right now!

While browsing the MDN docs, I found some interesting CSS properties. So, I made this article about those. Let's begin! accent-color Have you ever wanted to override the default color of &lt...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

Fast and modern alternatives to common npm packages

Have you ever waited a long time for webpack to bundle your code? Well, that's so annoying. But wait! In this article, you can find a list of fast and modern alternatives to common npm packa...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

Let's create a mini programming language!

In this tutorial, we will create a mini programming language. That compiles center, left 100, color blue, top 10, right 100, to _center(); _draw(); _left(100); _draw(); _setColor("blue...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

Write bug-free code with JavaScript

Do you see unexpected behavior in your JavaScript code? And don't have any clue how to fix it? Well, you can follow these tips to write bug-free code. 1. Use meaningful names You should avoi...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

Let's code golf with JavaScript

In this article, we'll golf some JavaScript code. But first, we'll need to know what the heck is code-golf? What is code-golf? Code golfing is trying to make the shortest possible code for a...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

Create a Twitter bot that updates the profile banner with the latest followers

Have you seen Twitter profiles that show their latest followers in the profile banner? And wondering how to do it? There are two ways you can do it. Pay for a no-code service that updates t...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

Learn all the Array methods in JavaScript

In this article, we'll learn about the array methods in JavaScript with some examples. Before we start, let's look at some methods of the Array class. Array() Accepts 1 integer argument and...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

Create a SPA with PHP

Today, we will create an SPA with PHP. Our output will look like this. (The GIF, a bit slow 😑) Getting started Our directory structure will be like this. 📦spa ┣ 📜about.php // A page ┣...

Posandu Mapa · 2 years ago

My bookmarks

I have a lot of bookmarks. They save my time. Now I will post them so you can read them and save your time too! Undraw https://undraw.co/illustrations This website is a collection of svg ill...

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