Nico Deblauwe


495 Points 2 Followers

3 Posts

2 Answers

Laravel developer and tailwind enthusiast from Belgium

Nico Deblauwe · 10 months ago

Shifting from Laragon to Herd on Windows

This article compares Laragon and Herd, both excellent PHP development tools, and provides tips on transitioning between them. Herd is a solid environment emphasizing ease of use over config...

Nico Deblauwe · 2 years ago

Optimally creating a fresh Laravel project

Every time I'm installing a fresh Laravel project, I find myself following the same steps over and over again. As I've written them out (so it's easier for me to execute them without forgett...

Nico Deblauwe · 2 years ago

cURL error 60 when using Laravel HTTP client: a solution

Maybe you are one of the lucky ones that didn't encounter it, but know that it can happen that you bump into cURL error 60: SSL certificate: unable to get local issuer certificate when using...

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