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Baransel · 2 months ago

Powerful Practices Every New Developer Should Adopt

Starting out in tech can be a whirlwind of code, concepts, and caffeine. I've pulled together some key practices that helped me and countless others solidify our coding chops. Whether you're...

Baransel · 3 months ago

A simple React app: fetch GitHub users information via API

Welcome to a quick tutorial on my journey of building a React app that connects with external APIs. Today, I'm focusing on a hands-on example: fetching and displaying GitHub user data using...

Baransel · 4 months ago

5 Essential Websites for Developers 🚀

Today, I'm excited to share five exceptional websites that have become indispensable in my project development toolkit. These platforms not only save time but also offer valuable resources t...

Baransel · 8 months ago

Effective Code Documentation: Best Practices for Developers

Good documentation is the backbone of any successful software project. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting, mastering the art of code documentation is essential. In this art...

Baransel · 8 months ago

Mastering TypeScript: A Beginner's Guide

Mastering TypeScript: A Beginner's Guide Are you a JavaScript developer seeking to level up your coding game and create more reliable and maintainable projects? TypeScript might be the answe...

Baransel · 9 months ago

JavaScript ES6 Features Every Developer Should Know

JavaScript ES6 Features Every Developer Should Know JavaScript is constantly evolving, and ECMAScript 6 (ES6) brought a wealth of new features that can supercharge your coding experience. In...

Baransel · 1 year ago

Getting Started with JavaScript Switch Case: A Beginner's Guide

Sign up to my newsletter for more tutorials!. JavaScript is a popular programming language used to create interactive websites and web applications. One of the most useful features of Java...

Baransel · 1 year ago

A Comprehensive Guide to Getting Started with PHP: Tips, Tricks, and Code Examples

Basic Syntax Before we dive into the tips and tricks, let's go over the basic syntax of PHP. Here's a simple example that outputs "Hello, World!" to the screen: <?php echo &quo...

Baransel · 1 year ago

Getting Started with Python: Tips, Tricks, and Code Examples

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is widely used for a variety of applications, including web development, scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelli...

Baransel · 2 years ago

📰 Weekly Newsletter #1 - 29 Apr 2022

Read this on I’ve recently planned on moving to weekly newsletters rather than daily emails. I am pretty sure this will be a better way to communicate and share more information...

Baransel · 2 years ago

Basic commands in CLI

Here is a summary of some useful commands: Command (Windows) Command (Mac OS - GNU/Linux) Description exit exit closes the window cd cd change directory cd pwd show current direct...

Baransel · 2 years ago

Flags in Regular Expression

Regex patterns are written between the two "/" (slash) signs. Optionally, regex setting characters are entered after the trailing slash. Flags: Character Description i Case...

Baransel · 2 years ago

How to add an event listener to multiple elements in JavaScript

Sign up to my newsletter!. In JavaScript you add an event listener to a single element using this syntax: document.querySelector('.my-element').addEventListener('click', event => { //...

Baransel · 2 years ago

A Git Cheat Sheet

Sign up to my newsletter!. Intro When it comes to version control systems, there are few software that can beat GIT in performance and relevance. GIT was developed by Linus Torvalds in 200...

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