Ayodele Samuel Adebayo


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102 Posts

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Software Developer 👲 || Technical Writer ✍ || Content Creator 👨‍🏫

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 weeks ago

My first post using Github as source (new)

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 4 months ago

Build a Real-time Collaborative Whiteboard in NextJS With Supabase & Stream Video

Real-time applications are known to be complex and require a lot of expertise before bringing them to life. In this article, we're going to take a look at building a real-time collaborative...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 4 months ago

Learn How to Install & Implement Tailwind CSS on Next.js

Introduction Tailwind CSS is a utility-first framework popular among front-end developers with over 64 thousand stars on GitHub and over 4.6 million downloads on NPM. It provides the ability...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 4 months ago

Tailwind Flex box Basics: A Comprehensive Guide

Understand the power of Tailwind CSS Flexbox with this comprehensive guide. It is designed to help you understand and utilize flex properties for efficient and responsive layouts. In this ar...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 1 year ago

From Customer Success Engineer to Software Engineer: My One-Year Journey at Hashnode

"The journey of a thousand miles often begins with a single step into the unknown." - Lao Tzu It's been an incredible year today since I joined Hashnode as a Customer Success Eng...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 1 year ago

Introducing LearnEase - an AI Learning Platform for Everyone

Excited to announce my latest and first AI project - LearnEase. It's a learning platform powered by AI that enables you to effortlessly learn any concept using simple technical language. Dem...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 1 year ago

INTRODUCING InvoiceEase: The Simple Solution for Managing Invoices

I'm excited to share what I and Adeyemo Peter have been working on for a while now- InvoiceEase. What is InvoiceEase? InvoiceEase is an invoicing tool designed to simplify and streamline the...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 1 year ago

Debugging as a Customer Success Engineer

Debugging is an essential aspect of software development and customer success. It refers to the process of identifying and fixing errors or bugs in software code or systems. Debugging is imp...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 1 year ago

My 2022 Smilestones: A Reflective Journey

Success is a process During that journey sometimes there are stones thrown at you, and you convert them into milestones. ~ Sachin Tendulkar My name is Ayodele Samuel Adebayo, also known as...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 1 year ago

How to build a Flash Title Notification with JavaScript - 1

How to build a Flash Title Notification with JavaScript How to build a Flash Title Notification with JavaScript How to build a Flash Title Notification with JavaScript How to build a Flash T...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 1 year ago

How to Integrate Grammarly Text Editor SDK into React App

Grammarly is a cloud-based typing assistant that helps writers to develop content with accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar within a text editor. Check out my favorite Grammarly for...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 years ago

How To Get Tomorrow's Date In JavaScript ⏰

No one knows what tomorrow holds, but we can figure out what tomorrow's date will be in JavaScript. This article will show you how to programmatically get the date of the next day (tomorrow)...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 years ago

How To Create An Hover Underline Animation In CSS

The little things matter sometimes. You never know how satisfied your website visitors or clients maybe with the minor adjustments you make, like adding a Hover Underline Animation to your w...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 years ago

How To Create A Donut Spinner With HTML and CSS

A donut spinner is one of the popular loading components that is used on a website. It's useful to indicate to the user that the page is still loading or that data is currently being fetched...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 years ago

How to Embed YouTube Videos into your Web Projects

Hello buddy 👋, Have you ever wondered how youtube videos are been embedded into a webpage? Worry no more! This article contains two different methods with a step-by-step guide on how to emb...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 years ago

How to Add UBB and Friends Token on your Metamask 🪙

This article will guide you on how to add the Unclebigbay and Friends token to your Metamask wallet and how to request the cryptocurrency. What is UBB and Friends Community? Unclebigbay and...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 years ago

30+ Non-Programming Youtubers for Programmers to follow in 2022 to Cool their Head

All work and no play make Jack a dull programmer. - 1659 These are lists of non-code-related YouTube channels that I often visit to cool off my head from programming, they share jokes, mag...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 years ago

Top 3 Best Code Editors in 2022 for Developers

There are several code editors out there for developing software programs or coding web applications. Let's look at the top 3 best code editors and why the last on the list is the best among...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 years ago

How to Add InstantSearch Analytics Widgets in Typesense

Introduction An Instant Search Analytics Widget is an essential feature to add to your list of todos for a smooth user experience when you're building a data-heavy website like Unsplash or U...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 years ago

How to Add Horizontal Lines Before and After a Text in HTML

This article will guide you on how to add a horizontal line to the right and left side of a text as shown below: if(busy){ Jump to complete code! } else { Create an HTML text tag. In you...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 years ago

Terminologies in Web and Software Engineering Explained

Hi, my gorgeous friends on the internet. If you're new to the term "coding", "programming", "web development" and "software development" or you're co...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 years ago

My TIIDELab Experience 2.0 (Second Month)

Guess who I met on the 2nd of October 2020? After rounding up HTML and CSS tutorials with Mr. Solomon Chokor, we began to dine with Mr. Ibrahim Kehinde (Mr. Kenny as we all love to call him)...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 years ago

Generations of JavaScript Variables

Summary: In this tutorial, you will learn the reason let and const which are ES6 feature came into existence in 2015 after var and when you should use them. If you are a beginner, there ar...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 years ago

Difference Between Vanilla JavaScript and JavaScript

This is probably going to be the shortest straightforward article on Hashnode. NO. Need more explanation on this? check my explanation article out HERE

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 years ago

Difference Between Vanilla JavaScript and JavaScript (Explained)

You are probably here because you are more curious about knowing what Vanilla JavaScript and JavaScript have in common. If you want a straight answer on this topic, I wrote an article with j...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 years ago

Hey, 👋 it's my Birthday today, let me walk you through my Birthday Portfolio Gift.

Hello 🙋‍♂️, my gorgeous friends on the internet, I'm Uncle-BigBay and today is my birthday And I am shy 😂 Even though I have been sick for some days and could not post new articles, I ens...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 years ago

Building the World Simplest Hamburger with HTML and CSS

We all know that hamburger menus are one of the most common components we find on modern websites, and building them from scratch is not fun for most front-end developers. In this article, I...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 years ago

Building 3 Magical Counter Buttons In Javascript

Hello 🙋‍♂️, my gorgeous friends on the internet. Today we will be building 3 buttons that will be performing magics on our browsers. yeah, magics!!! And one of each button will perform one...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 years ago

Walking you through how I build my Forbes website project

Hello there, this is the first post on my Projects Review and Feedback series, this series will contain a walkthrough of my personal projects, which you can review and give feedback as a rec...

Ayodele Samuel Adebayo · 2 years ago

Building Social Media Share Button with pure Html

Hello, my gorgeous friends on the internet 👋, today we will be building a social media share button together, which you can include in your next project. The share button allows users to qu...

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