Piyush Sinha


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Frontend Developer | loves building aesthetic & robust interfaces

Piyush Sinha · 2 years ago

Optimizing Performance in React Apps - II

Welcome to Optimizing Performance in React Apps, a series discussing tips & tricks to build an optimal interface. In this article, we'll learn how to efficiently render large lists of da...

Piyush Sinha · 2 years ago

Optimizing Performance in React Apps - I

Welcome to Optimizing Performance in React Apps, a series discussing tips & tricks to build an optimal interface. In this article, we'll learn how to avoid unnecessary re-renders. Unnece...

Piyush Sinha · 2 years ago

Multi-Step Form with React & Formik

Nowadays, multi-step form is the way to go if one needs to collect detailed user data. Why? because allowing users to complete their information in smaller chunks is less intimidating for th...

Piyush Sinha · 3 years ago

HarperDB Instance w/ React

HarperDB is a distributed database focused on making data management easy. It supports both SQL and NoSQL queries. Besides building REST APIs with server-side technologies(Catalin Pit's Buil...

Piyush Sinha · 3 years ago

Getting Started with React Hooks

What are Hooks? Hooks are a new feature addition in React 16.8 that let you use state & other React features without writing a class. They are the special functions that hooks into React...

Piyush Sinha · 3 years ago

Interactive Maps using Leaflet

Leaflet.js is an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. It's lightweight, simple, and flexible, and is probably the most popular open-source mapping library at...

Piyush Sinha · 3 years ago

Frontend Security

Modern web development comes with a variety of challenges that developers have to consider, such as performance, accessibility, responsive design, and security. Unfortunately, security is a...

Piyush Sinha · 3 years ago

Modern Javascript - III

Every year, Javascript update adds new features. ES2021 (also known as ES12) is planned to be released in June this year. New features that are added each year go through a four-stage proces...

Piyush Sinha · 3 years ago

Modern Javascript - II

JavaScript has been evolving very rapidly in recent years. Especially after the release of ES6 in 2015, things have been great. In this article, we'll discuss the features introduced in the...

Piyush Sinha · 3 years ago

The Shadow DOM

In the past few years, you may have heard of terms like shadow DOM and virtual DOM. These, although of course related to the original DOM, refer to very different concepts. In this article,...

Piyush Sinha · 3 years ago

Modern Javascript - I

ECMAScript 2015 (also known as ES6) is a major update to Javascript since ES5, which was standardized in 2009. Since then, Javascript has come up with incremental updates every year. These s...

Piyush Sinha · 3 years ago

Image Editor using CamanJS

Introduction CamanJS is used for doing (ca)nvas (man)ipulation in JavaScript(JS). It is very easy to extend with new filters and plugins, and it comes with a wide array of image editing func...

Piyush Sinha · 3 years ago

Unit Testing with Mocha & Chai

Developers are responsible for the consistency and stability of a product. But they can’t accomplish it without testing. In this article, we will learn how to set up the Mocha unit testing f...

Piyush Sinha · 3 years ago

Introduction to Storybook for Web Components

As a frontend software engineer, developing clean and functional user interfaces is a big part of what I do. Building these interface components is a very expensive and effort consuming task...

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