DevDojo Weekly - January 2022

DevDojo Weekly - January 2022

Written by Dev Dojo on Jan 30th, 2022 Views Report Post

Howdy developer friends 🤓 It's time for another DevDojo Weekly! This last week we had tutorials on Laravel, SQL, Javascript, and more.

If you want a chance to win $20 💰 next week? Write a post on the DevDojo to automatically be entered. Learn more about the official rules here.

Ok, let's jump into last weeks winners! In no particular order here are the five posts we selected.

🥇 Winner #1

The ultimate solution to typewriter animation

The ultimate solution to typewriter animation

In this excellent tutorial you will learn how you can create a simple typing effect using CSS animations. Check out this great tutorial hand-crafted by yokwejuste.

🥈 Winner #2

21 GitHub Repositories to Become a JavaScript Master

21 GitHub Repositories to Become a JavaScript Master

Check out this awesome round-up of Github repositories that can help you become a javascript master. This includes repos that will help you with common algorithms, tips, clean code techniques, and more. Check out this excellent post crafted by madzadev.

🥉 Winner #3

Define a Route Group Controller in Laravel 8.80

Define a Route Group Controller in Laravel 8.80

If multiple routes in your Laravel application use the same controller you can easily add that controller to a route group so that way you don't have to duplicate code and clean up your route file. Check out this excellent post written by techvblogs.

🏅 Winner #4

Self-Parking Car in <500 Lines of Code

Self-Parking Car in <500 Lines of Code

Learn how you can program the functionality of a self-parking card in less than 500 lines of code in this awesome tutorial written by trekhleb 🚗 🚙 👍

🏅 Winner #5

The World of SQL:A Beginner's Guide

The World of SQL:A Beginner's Guide

If you've ever wanted to get really good at writing SQL, then this is the tutorial for you. In this excellent post krmh04 will explain to you what a Relational Database is, how to retrieve data, update data, and so much more!

Quick Tails V2 Update 🤙

We have been working away on our new version of Tails. In this next version there are going to be so many cool things like ability to update common layouts with the UI, a code editor, ability to publish pages to subdomain/domain, and so much more. Here's a quick preview of some of this functionality below 👇

⚡️ Live Edit any Component

Live Edit any Component

👨‍💻 New Code Editor

New Code Editor

🖥 Publish Your Pages

Publish Your Pages

And there's so much more to come. I hope you're excited about this new version because we've been so excited building it out. Be sure to keep an eye out for updates in future newsletters 😉

🍿 Conclusion

That's all for this week. I wish you all a fun and productive week ahead. Tomorrow is the first of February, and with a new month that means you can try to practice productive habits and set a few goals for yourself. It's never been a better time to be a developer 🤓

To wrap things up, here is a funny image you may enjoy. This weeks image is brought to you by the DevDojo Fun Section.

Lets see who wrote this code

Have a good one ✌️

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