Mattia Toselli


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Full Stack Developer, rugby player, party starter. I am good only at the last one.

Mattia Toselli · 1 year ago

How to check if an array is sequential or associative in PHP

I was searching on the web for a good way to check if an array is associative or not. A glimmer of hope came out when I discovered that in PHP 8.1 exists this function. Now, here is the prob...

Mattia Toselli · 1 year ago

Sorting algorithms in PHP: the selection sort algorithm

Selection sort is a very yet inefficient sorting algorithm, his complexity is O(n^2), that means it scales quadratically with the array size, that means that it could be effective with small...

Mattia Toselli · 1 year ago

Sorting Algorithms in PHP: the bubble sort

In the bubble sort algorithm, we take an array, and we swap the position of two values if they are not in the correct order. In order to do that, we'll need to have two nested iterations on...

Mattia Toselli · 2 years ago

Create a PWA with Vuejs and Materialize css

What Are PWA? At their heart, Progressive Web Apps are just web applications. Using progressive enhancement, new capabilities are enabled in modern browsers. Using service workers and a web...

Mattia Toselli · 2 years ago

Exporting data in Csv with Javascript

Do we always need the backend? In order to perform this simple task, we all know that the effort could be sometime not as light as it might look. As an example, exporting a csv in PHP is not...

Mattia Toselli · 2 years ago

The Repository Service Pattern in your Laravel application

Why the repository service pattern is a good idea As the definition says: "The repository is a layer between the domain and data layers of your application with an interface to perform...

Mattia Toselli · 2 years ago

Encrypting environment variables in Laravel

Starting from Laravel 9 version, there's a cool feature everyone could find useful: encrypting your .env file. No more environment variables on your server, you can just commit your environm...

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