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🤷‍♂️ Unsolved Questions

Catalin Negru · 2 weeks ago

DevDojo Auth Package Error

Having problem with devdojo - pretty auth. in the settings, whenever i want to modify smth, this is what i get : the error in the file. What can i do?

Michael Sperber · 2 weeks ago

Using devdojo auth for API's

Hi I'm trying out devdojo auth, and it works great out of the box. However, my use case is an application with laravel as pure api backend and 3 separate Vue applications that will need au...

· 3 weeks ago

How to go to the main site when logged in using the Genesis starter kit

Hi With the Genesis starterkit comes the Dashboard, however, when a user is logged in, then the user cannot view the 'main' part of the website but is always redirected to the dashboard e.g....

Ookma-Kyi · 3 weeks ago

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'characters.duel_id' in 'where clause'

I am getting the following error: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'characters.duel_id' in 'where clause' select * from characters where characters.duel_id in (1) and...

· 1 month ago

MySql on DO

Hi, Using the deployment button to DO, it creates a PostgreSQL DB. It is possible to use Mysql Instead? Thanks

Supernova3339 · 1 month ago

AI Designer does not work with OpenAI API Key

Hi, I recently tried to use AI Designer with an OpenAI key ( project and user does not work at all ), any ideas on how to get past this? I do have credit on my OpenAI account and the key doe...

· 1 month ago

Wave on Digital Ocean - Error 500

Hi, I just install Wave in Local. I tried to installed it to Digital Ocean, but I'm getting 500 error page. Is there a guide to install it correctly there? Thanks

Bettina von Mutius · 1 month ago

Custom colors in tails

Hello, can I use my color palette within tails? Any if yes, how can I do this. Thanks Bettina

markwilliams211992 · 1 month ago

How can i add my blog to google search console?

I tried to add my Blog in the google search console. But after adding my URL Prefix it shows me to update meta tag in the homepage.

· 1 month ago

Looking for a Developer to Integrate Transbank OneClick Payment Method and Manage Discord Subscriptions

Hi everyone, I'm in need of a skilled developer to help with a project involving the integration of a Chilean payment method (Transbank OneClick) and the management of subscriptions in Disco...

Ookma-Kyi · 1 month ago

Test failing with Session is missing expected key [errors]

I have this test that checks that the active field is either 0 or 1: it('requires valid data', function ($active) { // Arrange Belt::factory()->create([ 'min_xp' => 0,...

Keith Prinkey · 2 months ago

Github Fork

Hey guys, I wanted to inform you that I accidentally sent a merge request to Laravel Wave Endpoints . However, I have since closed it. I wanted to let you know so it wouldn't surprise you, c...

Sergio Malagoli · 2 months ago

Request refound

hello, Is it possible to request a refund for the subscription as it was renewed by mistake and we do not use the service? Thanks

Netra Patwari · 2 months ago

How integrate Stripe Payments in FARM (Fastapi + React(Next JS)) stack

I am building a saas application using farm stack , now i want to integrate stripe payment to it. and I even want to add a custom stripe form to it.. If anyone can help it will be grateful

Ookma-Kyi · 2 months ago

Test for storing character fails with table empty

I am trying to test my store route and when the test to store a character runs it fails with 'table empty'. Here is the test itself: it('Stores a character', function () { // Arrange...

alex · 2 months ago

Role displaying "no results" in admin panel

I found a github issue for this from 2017, as well as a devdojo question about this from 2019 (both linked below), and it seems that this issue is still persisting. I cloned the Wave repo fo...

Keith Prinkey · 3 months ago

Digital Ocean DNS

Bobby, Maybe you can better clarify for me how to get port 587 working on my droplet for SMTP server even though I use Plesk to manage the droplet and enabled port 587 for SMTP through the G...

dev · 3 months ago

Request for Guidance on Updating Our Wave Boilerplate with Best Practices

Hello ! I am currently using the Wave boilerplate for a project. We are looking to update our version of Wave by integrating the latest enhancements from the boilerplate while retaining our...

dev · 3 months ago

Subject: Issue with Loading Assets over HTTPS in Voyager

Hello, Our team is facing an issue with loading assets over HTTPS in the back-office part of our application using the Wave boilerplate, which is managed by Voyager. We managed to resolve a...

Ookma-Kyi · 3 months ago

phpDocumentator Junk Output

Hello, I am trying to set up PHPStorm 2023.3.6 to use phpDocumentator 3.7.3, and I am having issues. For starters, there is no phpDocumentor plugin to make this easier. Second when I run php...

CyberAgora · 4 months ago

MarkdownX formatting

is it possible in markdownx to format things to be in the middle of the page. and maybe if possible to maybe make the text RTL(Right to left) and LTR(Left to right) for other languages suppo...

Ookma-Kyi · 4 months ago

Tests Failing

I am creating a test to verify that only the max allowed amount of characters are created. However whenever I run the test I get the following error: C:\laragon\bin\php\php-8.1.27-Win32-vs16...

Dominik Zyla · 5 months ago

Docs Down? Wave Billing Errors

Hi, is the down ? and i have a problem with Billing the user becuse the api from paddle changed, any suggestion to fix that ?

Keith Prinkey · 5 months ago

Requirements to download products

Hey guys, I was just reading the markdownx docs as I am using it in one of my projects and noticed that you only have to be a member 1 month to download it? I thought that number would be li...

ExcelB · 5 months ago

Wave connect to Paddle products failed

Hello, I am trying to connect Wave to Paddle products. In the Paddle menu, I didn't find the subscription plan under catalog. I only found Products with recurring options. (I think it is the...

brettsmith31986 · 6 months ago

Latest Trends in Automation Testing

Hello folks I want to know what the latest Automation testing trends are for 2024

Keegen Knapp · 6 months ago

Paddle Billing/ Wave -> Account Creation

After 8-9 months of building I'm finally ready to launch except for now I'm testing the billing and after someone submits a payment they are directed to create an account...

Supernova3339 · 6 months ago

AI Designer - Bug

When updating code for a design on AI designer, the code is cleared on save. However, the code is still saved, just the element isn't updated. clicking the code button twice ( show/hide ) fi...

Keith Prinkey · 7 months ago

Product changes and support

Hey, I noticed the products are changing and this site has had quite a few things removed so what exactly are we paying $15/mo for at this point? I tried installing GeekShop and it wouldn't...

mikemastercorp · 7 months ago

Wave with Stripe integration

Hello Dear DevDojo team. I am really surprised that after so much time, we are not having yet the choice to switch between Paddle and Stripe. It is not a secret for many that Paddle tech sup...

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