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Chris De David · 5 days ago

Updated article? - How to create a Laravel Package

Hi, Is there an updated article/video/guide for "How to create a Laravel Package" I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if some of the steps and details are no longer accur...

mikemastercorp · 3 weeks ago

Adding a custom view with a button to allow payments

Hello Dear DevDojo team. I am working on a template as part of my project where I need to add a button which would trigger a payment and after a successful one will allow the storing of the...

ALİ KARATEKİN · 1 month ago

I want to capture data in grid card form instead of table view.

First of all, I'm sorry if Google is doing a rough translation. What I actually want to do is to pull the data from the database as a card instead of a table and publish it. I have minimal k...

Alan · 1 month ago

Hello. Could someone please help me update my login email?

Much Appreciated

arpan.deb · 1 month ago

I am not upgraded to Pro even after making the payment.

I have already joined pro. My mistake was to pay before signing up. Please upgrade me to pro. After signing up I saw that I am not upgraded to PRO. I can provide the payment receipt.

Santosh Srinivas · 2 months ago

Duplicate Page in Tails

Please kindly consider a change request to duplicate a page in Tails so that we don't need to go thru the repetitive process of structuring a page

Santosh Srinivas · 2 months ago

Coordinate Design Blocks in Tails

In the Tails app, is there a way to identify which design blocks go together (so that the page appears consistent in styling)?

Santosh Srinivas · 2 months ago

Duplicating projects in Tails

Loving Tails! ... Is there a way to duplicate a project and make customizations? (via API?). I don't to repeat the process of getting the components together each time! I try to maintain the...

Shinbeom Kwon · 2 months ago

Account verification is not completed yet

I signed up last 3 months ago, but my account didn't get any verification yet. So I couldn't create new posts on my blog. Please figure it out as soon as possible

zaakhid · 2 months ago

Go Pro Subscription not updated in my account after payment

Dear Devdojo Team, Couple of hours ago I had subscribed to the DevDojo Pro plan though the email discount offer link. Please refer to the attached screenshot. After the payment was successfu...

1004reg · 2 months ago

New upcoming elements?

Hi there! Pines is awesome! Thank you for the great library! Are there any plans to add any new Pines elements?

Haleem Hosein · 2 months ago

Remove ?page from query string

I'm working on an Angular app and I have added a notifications off-canvas drawer that uses Livewire 2. However, when I click the Next page button, page is appended to the query string and th...

Roel Comporal · 2 months ago

Is Pines UI built on Alpine JS V3?

Hi, New here. Is Pines UI built on Alpine JS V2 or V3?

1004reg · 3 months ago

Vender folder in .gitignore

Hi there, I'm curious about the reason for including the vendor folder in .gitignore. For my setup, this means that I have to run composer install again on my server after already installing...

Keith Prinkey · 3 months ago

Double charged

Hey Bobby, I would prefer if this question stayed with the DevDojo team since it is a screenshot of my PayPal, albeit there is no identifying information. I created this because my PayPal is...

thegrizlabs · 3 months ago

Plant integration of Wave with Paddle not workinng

I made all the changes as were present in tutorials of billing and subscription plans. Adding proper Vendor ID, auth key in env variables. Creating plan from scratch with user role and then...

alex · 3 months ago

How do I search?

I am so confused, I have searched everywhere and I cannot find a search function anywhere. I've also tried all kinds of hotkeys. Do I just need to use Google to search these forums?

grosmongol · 3 months ago

3 collumn in wave

Hey there, I'm trying to figure out why, when I add a section in Wave and create three columns to place three cards side by side, I always end up with two cards aligned horizontally and the...

1004reg · 3 months ago

Started to learn HTML/CSS, then JS, now I'm just overwhelmed.

Started to learn HTML/CSS, then JS, now I'm just overwhelmed. Do you have any suggestions on where I should start and what to focus on next?

thegrizlabs · 3 months ago

How to use redis on digital ocean app platform for wave.

Basically on local I installed the redis on pc and localhost worked absolutely fine. But one deployment on digital ocean machine its not accessible. There is an option to add redis DB entire...

Keith Prinkey · 3 months ago

Adding endpoints to the API

Hey Bobby or whomever, After developing our shop4charities publishing website for advertisers, I realized that I needed a better way to manage the stores, products, categories, and links. I...

Brian · 3 months ago

Laravel Reverb

Hi Guys, Has anyone gotten Laravel Reverb to work on Laravel Forge? I know it is not Wave related but I am starting to run out of ideas here. I followed the docs but I am getting the followi...

alex · 3 months ago

Vender folder in .gitignore

Hi, I was just wondering the reason for putting the vendor folder in .gitgnore...because at least for my own configuration, it means that I have to composer install each thing again on my se...

alex · 4 months ago

Any recommendations on adding 2fa *only* for admin accounts?

Every solution I find for this is just about adding 2fa for all users, but that is way overkill for non-admin accounts for my website. Does anyone have any suggestions on setting this up jus...

CyberAgora · 4 months ago

Markdown X preview not working

I'm not sure if anyone is having the same issue where the preview is not working here is a sample project sample

Carlos Olivas · 4 months ago

Upgrade to Laravel 10

Hello, I'm planning to upgrade my app to Laravel 10 from v9.11. Is there any special guide I need to follow in order to upgrade Wave other than Laravel's own upgrade guide? Thanks! Carlos

edmundo · 5 months ago

Support for livewire v3

Hi team, Is there any plans for the wave app to support the livewire version 3?

Carlos Olivas · 5 months ago

Help with Pines Date Picker

Hello, I'm having trouble figuring out how to use Pines Date Picker component, I want to use it for an appoinments app and need to have some dates blocked, I thought the 'datePickerBlankDays...

ExcelB · 5 months ago

Cancel one of my subscription

Dear Devdojo Team, I think the Wave SAAS is very useful to me so I want to see the video tutorial. After I pay for the subscription (without login Devdojo) I am unable to see the video tutor...

Keith Prinkey · 5 months ago

Path cannot be empty error

Hey Bobby or whomever, I know that I probably have made a lot questions to this point and that's my bad. I was just starting out and had much to learn. Since then, I have fallen in love with...

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