

You may contribute to this project by visiting the GitHub Repo here. We currently do not have issues open, so you'll need to submit a PR with your contribution and we'll get to the PR as soon as we can.

If you wish to discuss functionality or any issues you have with Pines, you can visit the DevDojo Discussions/Questions section.

Star the Repo
If you want to see this project grow, it would help us out if you starred the repo and shared it with your friends.

Thanks for all your support with this project and we look forward to hearing your feedback.

Local Installation

Visit the main repo for the Pines UI Library. This repo is simple to setup and get running on your local if you wish to submit a fix or make some additions to the library.

  1. Download the contents of the GitHub repo and store it in a folder.
  2. Make sure you have NodeJS installed along with the http-server package.
  3. CD into your folder and run `http-serve`
  4. Visit the localhost URL to see PinesUI

The installation instructions are also available via the GitHub repo at

A project by DevDojo