Flutter - How to Run Background Task? Service

Written by mouli150388 on Oct 28th, 2020 Views Report Post


Create and Run Background Services using Flutter code in Android. Running background services is one of the most important tasks that we can perform in an Android or iOS app. Flutter, being a very Versatile solution for programming, allows us to write platform-specific code to achieve your background tasks! Here is how we do it!

In Android "Orieo" and above versions background services will not work because of Doze mode. To run background service in Orieo and the above versions, we need to run service as a foreground service.

What is Foreground Service We are just using Gmail app and listening to music that is being played by Music Player application. So Music Player is basically using the foreground service to play the music. The foreground service always uses the notification to notify the user and using the notification we can actually interact with the service or the ongoing operation such as pause the music or play the next music.

So whenever in an app we see a notification that is performing some long running tasks that service is basically the foreground service and Foreground Service is always noticeable to the user that is the user is aware of this ongoing process

Download Foreground Service code

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