Mithicher Baro


604 Points 2 Followers

7 Posts

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I am a web developer. I build stuffs in TALL stack.

Mithicher Baro · 2 years ago

Build a Markdown Editor Component with AlpineJS & Laravel Blade Component

In this post we'll be looking at some simple ways to create a reusable markdown editor without having to use a large or complicated javascript library. The blade component uses Tailwind CSS...

Mithicher Baro · 3 years ago

Simple Open Graph Image Generator with AlpineJS and Tailwind CSS

In this post, we'll look at some simple ways to generate open graph images for blog posts or social media sharing. Some of the features that we will make are as follows: Design a layout wit...

Mithicher Baro · 3 years ago

Print Component with Laravel Blade and AlpineJS

First and foremost, I want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year 2022. Recently, while working on a Laravel-based project, I encountered a scenario in which I needed to print a section of t...

Mithicher Baro · 3 years ago

Horizontal Bar Chart Laravel Blade Component with AlpineJS

In this post we'll be looking at some simple ways to visualise data without having to use a large or complicated chart library. The blade component uses TailwindCSS for styling data and Alpi...

Mithicher Baro · 3 years ago

5 Reusable Laravel Blade Components with Alpine.js

In this blog post, we’ll create five reusable components using Laravel Blade Components, Alpine.js and TailwindCSS. We will build the following components: Copy to Clipboard Global Progress...

Mithicher Baro · 3 years ago

Building a Laravel Blade Table Component With Alpine.js

If you’re building an admin panel, chances are that you will need to display the data in some tabular format. Writing every time table, tr, td is a little bit cumbersome, when we need our wo...

Mithicher Baro · 3 years ago

Create a MeiliSearch Laravel Blade Component

What is MeiliSearch? As stated in their official website - MeiliSearch is an open source, blazingly fast and hyper relevant search-engine that will improve your search experience. Laravel al...

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