Mariam Reba Alexander


301 Points 3 Followers

8 Posts

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I am a frontend developer working at Maersk. Keen to learn and do some exciting or experimental projects. I specialise in finding & fixing issues and bugs, refactoring and perfecting code & preventing bugs through test driven development.

Mariam Reba Alexander · 2 years ago

Unit testing: Why do I write them?

Many companies today want developers with unit testing experience. Even though unit testing had existed for many decades, some developers still don’t know how to write them. When I started c...

Mariam Reba Alexander · 3 years ago

Cross-site scripting (XSS) attack - part 3

By now you have an understanding of Stored XSS attack and Reflected XSS attack, and some measures to prevent it. Now we will look into the last type of XSS attack, DOM based XSS attack. In t...

Mariam Reba Alexander · 3 years ago

Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks - part 2

In the last post I went through what is Cross-site scripting and Stored XSS attack, a type of cross-site scripting caused by stored javascript in database from user inputs. If you haven't re...

Mariam Reba Alexander · 3 years ago

Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks - part 1

As frontend developers we are constantly adding and releasing new features or fixing bugs as per business requirements, and it's hard to keep vigilance on the security side of things. It has...

Mariam Reba Alexander · 3 years ago

Break and continue in Javascript

You would have probably used break or continue in your javascript code at least once. Break and continue in javascript are known as jump statements. Let's look into both the statements. brea...

Mariam Reba Alexander · 3 years ago

Checks and String comparison in Javascript

Here are some javascript tips on property check, string comparison & check for defined that you can use in your code. Property check We know that the method hasOwnProperty() can be used...

Mariam Reba Alexander · 3 years ago

What you may not know about loops in JS - part 2 - for/of , for/in

In the last post part 1 - for loop, I described how for loop works and shared some common and rare examples of it. Now let's look into the other types of loop: for/of and for/in loops. for/o...

Mariam Reba Alexander · 3 years ago

What you may not know about loops in JS - part 1 - for loop

You may have used for loop, for/of and for/in a million times on your code and you probably know by now that it is used for iterating an array or object keys (or values) and execute some cod...

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