All JetBrains IDE's explained!

All JetBrains IDE's explained!

Written by Adam. R on Apr 2nd, 2022 Views Report Post


JetBrain has created many amazing IDEs that many developers around the world use. Well, there are so many, so people might be confused about what each does. Let me solve this issue in this one article.

IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA is a Java IDE for JVM. If you need to run any Java code than this is the IDE for you. This IDE is built for Java and has many other features like Smart Code completion, Framework-specific assistance, Productivity boosting. 3/4 Java Developers use IntelliJ IDEA IDE. So if you are a Java Developer, this is the IDE for you.


PyCharm is a IDE for professional Python. It has many useful features a Python Developer might need like DataBase connection (MySQL, Oracle, SQL, Postgre SQL), Remote development, Debugging and testing. PyCharm offers great framework-specific support for modern web development frameworks such as Django, Flask, Google App Engine, Pyramid, and web2py, including Django templates debugger, and tools, special autocompletion and navigation, just to name a few.


This is in my opinion the best JavaScript IDE ever. It is an integrated development environment for JavaScript and related technologies. It has a dedicated enviroment for JavaScript, Code Completion, Makes sure you have maximum code quality, Refactoring, Debugger, Pull requests and much, much more!


If you are a PHP pro and lover, then this the BEST IDE for you. It is similar with WebStorm but for PHP. It has all the features in WebStorm are included into PhpStorm, with full-fledged support for PHP and Databases/SQL support added on top. It is very smart with Web development and can spot an error in blazing fast time! Its debugging and testing makes developers think that their job is to easy. It now supports the PHP 8.1 and all the past PHP versions.


If you are .NET developer, this is meant for you. If you also a Unity or Unreal Engine developer, this is meant for you. It is based off of IntelliJ IDEA and Resharper (explained soon). Its full of features, if you think so, it provides 2200+ live code inspections, hundreds of context actions, more! It is cross-platform for Windows, macOS, and Linux. It supports many services like ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core Web, and Xamarin. Some more features are connection to Databases, plugins, navigation for your long code, debugger and test running.


This IDE is meant for C and C++ (Rider for C# and F#). It is a power tool for a power language. But is that really possible for a tricky language like C++, what with its modern standards and heavily templated libraries? Why, yes, yes it is! See it to believe it. It has Code generation that generate tons of boilerplate code instantyl, override and implement functions with simple shortcuts, code analysis, and best debugger for C and C++.


GoLand is an IDE made for Go with extended support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and databases. GoLand makes it very easy to read, write, and change Go code. Powerful built-in tools help to run and debug your applications. You can write and debug tests without any additional plugins or configuration effort. Some massive companies like Google, Docker, Snapchat, Twitter use GoLand for their Go development.


RubyMine produce high-quality code more efficiently, thanks to first-class support for Ruby and Rails, JavaScript and CoffeeScript, ERB and HAML, CSS, Sass and Less, and more. It can detect and eliminate code errors almost instantly, test and debug with ease, manage your project environment. It has extended support for React, Angular, Puppet, Docker and more.


That was a lot, but in the future, there will be a lot more for us developers to pick from. I won't be suprised if JetBrains makes and IDE just for CSS and SASS. If you found this usful then please share this and follow me! Also check out Buy Me A Coffee!

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