Written by Adam. R on May 15th, 2022 Views Report Post


Ever since I posted the 5 new services developers NEED TO KNOW!, many people have gave me support and liked it. So, I think doing more will help more and more people! Let's start!


Mage is the fastest way to build and use AI with NO AI experience. It is a tool that transforms your data into predictions. You can build, train, and deploy predictive models in minutes.

There is a demo video on how to use right here:

If you want to learn more about Mage, click here. You can try it for *free.


If you are a believer of web3 and want to put something on the web3 land, use thirdapp. You can build WEB3 apps and games! You can build features such as NFT's, marketplace, tokens in a few clicks. But, there is more, some of its most powerful tools are that it can make blockchain games, DAO's, NFT card platforms, and generate art drops! That's a list that a web3 developer would love. If you want to learn even more about thirdapp, click here.


If you own a service that requires identity verification which is forced by the government. You can use Persona, it makes it much easier for identity verification to be even more secure. Persona uses CCPA encryption. Setting up identity verification on the developer side takes less than 10 minutes! So you don't have to do all the hard work of verifying your customers are real and not fraud. If you need to use Persona, click here.


Feeda is a way to find out what users really want from your product - so you can make better decisions and save time on development. The best products listen to the consumers about their thoughts on there experience using the service. They have a free option for small services, but if you have a big service with more than 200 people, buying a plan is recommended. All plans provide free SSL, roadmaps, changelog, feedback and more. If do believe in the best for UX, click here.

Bulk Email Verification

If you need to verify a user's email, Bulk Email Verifer can help you. They have a really cheap option of $0.003 per email option. You don't really need an explanation on what they do, because everyone had experienced this. If you need to use email verification, click here.

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