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Reverting changes

As with everything, there are multiple ways to do a specific thing. But what I would usually do in this case I want to undo my latest commit and then commit my new changes is the following.

  • Let's say that you made some changes and you committed the changes:
git commit -m "Committing the wrong changes"
  • After that if you run git log, you will see the history of everything that has been committed to a repository.

  • To undo the last commit, just run the following:

git reset --soft HEAD~1

The above command will reset back with 1 point.

Note: the above would undo your commit, but it would keep your code changes if you would like to get rid of the changes as well, you need to do a hard reset: git reset --hard HEAD~1

  • After that, make your new changes

  • Once you are done with the changes, run git add to add any of the files that you would like to be included in the next commit:

git add .
  • Then use git commit as normal to commit your new changes:
git commit -m "Your new commit message"
  • After that, you could again check your history by running:
git log

Here's a screenshot of the process:

Git How to undo latest commit digitalocean

Another approach would be to use git revert COMMIT_ID instead.

Here is a quick video demo on how to do the above:

Reverting changes