Richard Dobroň


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Richard Dobroň · 1 year ago

You've Never Heard Of These 10 Bizarre Programming Languages

1. Whitespace This program uses whitespace characters as syntax. This implies that only linefeeds, spaces as well as tabs have meanings. Unlike other programming languages, it ignores the n...

Richard Dobroň · 1 year ago

How to create your first composer package? 🐘

What is Composer? Composer is a package manager for PHP. As with npm for Node.js and bundler for Ruby, it fills a similar role. It uses a JSON file to capture metadata about the project and...

Richard Dobroň · 1 year ago

How to create your first npm package? 🧰

What is NPM NPM stands for Node Package Manager and is the default JavaScript package manager powered by Node.js. The npm manager has two parts: CLI (Command Line Interface) — a tool for p...

Richard Dobroň · 1 year ago

How to fix Gmail login in your application?

Google has announced that some accounts will no longer be able to use Less Secure Apps feature, starting May 30th, 2022. Your application will contain an error similar to this: Uncaught Exc...

Richard Dobroň · 1 year ago

How to add Prettier code formatter to your project?

You can use Prettier to make your code more readable and consistent with your style guide. There are several ways to start Prettier automatically, these are the most popular when using Git:...

Richard Dobroň · 1 year ago

Localizing PHP application with FBT instead of standard i18n

Since about 2010, I have been looking for a translation framework for PHP that can generate very complex phrases and at the same time combine options such as singular/plural and work with ge...

Richard Dobroň · 1 year ago

300 beautiful pure CSS loaders

As we navigate through websites and apps, we might sometimes wait for some progress or for something to load. A loader or spinner can be used in such cases to indicate to users that somethin...

Richard Dobroň · 1 year ago

How to generate PHP enums from database in Laravel?

A magic number is a configuration parameter typed as a number in the middle of some code. And that magic number is a bad thing. Using this library, you will fix the following code: <?php...

Richard Dobroň · 1 year ago

How to easily call JavaScript modules from PHP?

You have surely solved it many times, but the solution was not very attractive. This tutorial is about generating JavaScript code in PHP using the BigPipe library, which is inspired by the F...

Richard Dobroň · 1 year ago

How to add PHP CS Fixer to your project?

First of all, add PHP CS Fixer to your project: composer require --dev friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer A configuration file called .php-cs-fixer.dist.php needs to be in the root directory of your...

Richard Dobroň · 1 year ago

Automatically generate plain text e-mails without view in Laravel 5+

Plain text emails are still very important these days. For many of them, however, it is pointless to write a plain text version as long as it can be automatically generated from HTML format....

Richard Dobroň · 1 year ago

Disabling installation notifications for Packagist

If you use workflow to run tests along with installing dependencies via composer, you may find it useful to disable sending install statistics to Packagist. Just add this line of code to the...

Richard Dobroň · 1 year ago

Running Laravel IDE Helper Generator automatically

When working on Laravel projects, I always try to keep working on hooks and automation. There is no exception in this case when using the package barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper that generates h...

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