Charles Vines, Jr.


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Charles Vines, Jr. · 2 years ago

Frontend Mentee to Master Project #2: Stats preview card component

Project Intro Challenge Page Github Live Project Project number two is going to be very similar to the last project. Again I will be using TailwindCSS and I will be using a lot of grid to...

Charles Vines, Jr. · 2 years ago

Frontend Mentor Challenge Project #1: Order Summary Confirmation w/ TailwindCSS

Challenge Page Github Live Site The first project that I will be working on is the first newbie level project the order summary confirmation page. This project is pretty easy, but will rea...

Charles Vines, Jr. · 2 years ago

Frontend Mentee to Master Challenge

Tutorial Purgatory Sucks Every beginner that gets into coding hits this road block at some point. Usually you have done a few courses on the particular language you are trying to learn. You...

Charles Vines, Jr. · 2 years ago

Learn JavaScript ES6 and Beyond: Prevent Object Mutations

In the previous post you saw that even when using const objects and arrays are still mutable. To make sure that the object does not change JavaScript has provided the Object.freeze function...

Charles Vines, Jr. · 2 years ago

Learn JavaScript ES6 and Beyond: Mutating Const

Just like the let keyword const can be used in many different scenarios. Like I said in the previous post when using const you want to make sure that you are not using a variable that will...

Charles Vines, Jr. · 2 years ago

Learn JavaScript ES6 and beyond: Const Keyword

In ES6 like we learned in our last blog post we can declare variables with let. But that isn't the only way we can declare a variable. We can also use the const keyword. Const has all the s...

Charles Vines, Jr. · 2 years ago

Responsive Design with TailwindCSS

Intro Responsive Design it seems like when studying code no matter the framework, language, or project there is always something discussing responsive design. What does that mean exactly? Th...

Charles Vines, Jr. · 2 years ago

Learn JavaScript ES6: var vs let

Intro As a self taught developer there are thousands of resources guaranteeing that you will learn how to code work at google and you will become the next tony stark. But if you have gone t...

Charles Vines, Jr. · 3 years ago

#DatDevLog 001: 100 Days of Code (Day 1 of 100)

3/20/2021 08:30 AM: I am starting this dev log series for a few reasons. I am trying to keep fighting the battle of creation vs consumption. Taking mental note of my day puts me in a space...

Charles Vines, Jr. · 3 years ago

#DatBoiBeCoding: Learn Data Visualization with D3 (SVG and D3 Basics Part 1)

Hello, Welcome to DatBoiBeCoding. This space is going to be used to discuss various programming and tech topics that I am learning on my road to becoming a Senior Developer. Coding is hard A...

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