Damian Demasi


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18 Posts

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Web Developer - I switched careers in my 40s - Writer of web development blog posts - I love to share Notion templates

Damian Demasi · 2 years ago

How to debug a React app

Introduction Since I started working as a software developer, I find myself spending the majority of the day debugging a big react app. This is not the result of a poorly implemented code, b...

Damian Demasi · 2 years ago

Problem-solving techniques to avoid yelling at your computer

I have been facing some tough code monsters at work lately. I guess I'm out of shape and my sword isn't sharp enough, because I find myself struggling greatly. This is the reason I decided t...

Damian Demasi · 2 years ago

CSS Study Progress Tracker and Roadmap Notion Template

It's been a while since a posted anything because, you know, life gets in the way, I got married, and stuff 😂. But I didn't forget about what I promise, and I want to resolve it right now (...

Damian Demasi · 3 years ago

HTML Study Progress Tracker Notion Template

Continuing with the topic of helping new web development enthusiasts to track their progress, I would like to share a new Notion template with you. You can use it by itself, or include it on...

Damian Demasi · 3 years ago

Hackathon: Building a MongoDB fuzzy search web app with React, Next.js and TailwindCSS

Web Development Glossary Search is a web application that I created with the objective of taking part in the MongoDB Atlas Hackathon hosted by the DEV.to community. The app makes use of seve...

Damian Demasi · 3 years ago

Measuring your progress in Web Development: why is it important and how to do it

The learning journey in the web development world can be chaotic at times. If you think about the fact that there are too many topics to learn, too much to remember, and the incommensurable...

Damian Demasi · 3 years ago

I share my Notion template with over 440 pages of web development content

In one of my last posts, Using Notion to organise programming topics, some people contacted me on Twitter and asked me to share the Notion template I was using to build my commonplace book...

Damian Demasi · 3 years ago

Using Notion to organise programming topics

When I first started diving into the web development world I felt overwhelmed by the amount of information out there, and all the topics I wanted to explore and learn. I immediately found th...

Damian Demasi · 3 years ago

How to become a web developer in 2022, with coach Gandalf

In this blog post, I'll be discussing why you shouldn't trust on new year's resolutions, how overrated motivation is, tools to help you succeed in the path of learning web development, and t...

Damian Demasi · 3 years ago

React: class components vs function components

When I first started working with React, I mostly used function components, especially because I read that class components were old and outdated. But when I started working with React profe...

Damian Demasi · 3 years ago

How to build a JavaScript project using APIs, promises, classes, error handling, and more!

Why did I choose to build this project? 🤔 This project was one of my favourite tools for breaking my way out of tutorial hell 👹. I also wanted this project to serve me as a display of my J...

Damian Demasi · 3 years ago

How to make a vanilla JavaScript project: a beautiful To-Do app

Doing courses and tutorials is great, but sometimes is difficult to evaluate how much are we actually learning. Watching video after video and coding along with the instructor gives us very...

Damian Demasi · 3 years ago

Learn how to use Git and GitHub in a team like a pro (part 2)

In the previous part of this tutorial, we learned how Harry and Hermione decided to build a SaaS app to allow people to build their own potions online and share them with the rest of the wor...

Damian Demasi · 3 years ago

10 takeaways from my first software developers Meetup

Yesterday evening I went to my first software development Meetup. I was hesitating in going because I'm sort of an introvert and going into a room full of strangers is not what I imagine whe...

Damian Demasi · 3 years ago

Learn how to use Git and GitHub in a team like a pro

In this tutorial, you will learn how to work in a team with a central repository on GitHub. You will work on issues, commits, pull requests, code reviews, and more. I don't consider myself a...

Damian Demasi · 3 years ago

Recommended courses to learn web development + course giveaway

Becoming a web developer (or growing into that position) can trigger some extreme anxiety attacks and tsunami-like waves of uncertainty. This is why I would like to offer you a helping hand...

Damian Demasi · 3 years ago

GitHub Copilot blew my mind on a code-along exercise

GitHub Copilot has surprised me beyond what I could have ever expected. I guess artificial intelligence is more capable than I thought initially, and this is a great example of how it can he...

Damian Demasi · 3 years ago

How I’ve got a web development job one week after publishing my portfolio

Using my portfolio as an interview hook After spending months studying front end development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Git), and weeks building my portfolio (well, actually two port...

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