Abhiraj Bhowmick


1535 Points 24 Followers

50 Posts

1 Answers

I make stuff on the web and write blogs about it.

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 1 year ago

7 android apps to help you keep up with tech and coding

In today's fast-paced world, staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the tech and coding world can be challenging. With so many publications, low-quality content, and rapid change...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 2 years ago

Debugging in Javascript

Programmers spend a lot of time diagnosing and remedying errors and omissions in their code. Debugging slows down the Javascript execution and shows how data is modified line by line. Since...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 2 years ago

How to use ChakraUI with NextJS?

Hello, my fellow readers! It's been a long time, am I right? Well, I apologise for not being able to create content for you, mainly due to my board examinations. It's never easy to design a...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

5 best practices for better HTML forms

Forms are an essential part of any UI It can be intimidating to work with HTML forms. They don't only use a few specialised HTML elements; they also blur the barrier between static material...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

10 SEO tools you need for your projects in 2022

SEO tools are essential for growing organic traffic, maintaining and improving rankings, and delivering the proper target keywords. There are numerous SEO tools accessible today, both paid a...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

Web3 for Dummies

You've probably heard of Web3 unless you've been living under a rock. Web3 is widely regarded as the Internet's future, and Web3 apps have recently become all the rage. What is Web3? How can...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

What is Automation Testing? Why You Should Use Automated Tests?

We've long believed that automation testing is a wonderful formula for improving the quality of apps right from the start. However, it is only when we begin automating that we grasp the true...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

5 projects you can make to become a better web developer

The demand for web developers is growing as web development becomes more popular in the market. Web development has evolved as a viable field, attracting students and professionals from a wi...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

Javascript snippets you need to know right now 🔥 - #5

Hello and how are you doing? Hope you guys are doing great. As you know, I started a series of 50 beneficial and useful JS snippets where I would give you 10 every week. After the beautiful...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

5 CSS methodologies you need to know in 2022

In large, complicated, rapidly-iterated systems, CSS is notoriously difficult to maintain. The lack of a built-in scoping mechanism in CSS is one of the reasons. In CSS, everything is global...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

Javascript snippets you need to know right now 🔥 - #4

Hello my fellow readers! If you have really come this far in this series of posts, I would like to thank you for your support in reading all of the posts in this series. Thank you and do fol...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

15 underrated HTML attributes every web developer should know

HTML may not be a programming language per se, but there's no doubt in the power it possesses. We often depend on external javascript libraries for some basic tasks, but need for some of the...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

200+ Design resources you must know right now!

Online Design Tools All kinds of online tools for design, from photo editors to wireframing, and more Website                            Description Figma Online graphic design tool (...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

10 GitHub repos you cannot miss out on

What is a repository? Basically a repo is short for repository. A repository is like a container, it stores your files. It is stored with a history of changes you've made. If you don't get w...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

How to collect data via forms like a boss

Forms are an integral part of our life They are literally everywhere, be it when you're signing up for a new social media app or you're applying for anything. But do you know what actually g...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

Everything you need to know about RemixJS

Remix is a new full-stack JavaScript framework that does away with static site generation and performs a few things differently than current frameworks. It uses React to render the user inte...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

Automation Testing: Explain like I'm five

We've long believed that automation testing is a wonderful formula for improving the quality of apps right from the start. However, it is only when we begin automating that we grasp the true...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

5 best practices for dark mode implementation

Dark theme is one of the most requested features over the past few years. The biggest tech companies in the world have made dark themes an essential part of UI. Dark theme’s reduced luminanc...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

10 VSCode extensions every dev must have

VSCode is undoubtedly one of the most popular code editors out there. But did you know you can enhance your VSCode experience with extensions? Here are 10 VSCode extensions that every develo...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

5 common CSS mistakes to avoid.

Let's be real here. Is CSS that hard? Even though being simple and uses the modern English language to name most of its properties like font size or color, it's not rare to get caught up in...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

30 browser extensions every developer should have

The browser is a developer's most powerful tool. 99% of people don't make 100% out of their browsers. Here are 30 browser extensions to make the most out of the app you probably spend the mo...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

How to change the cursor of a website?

You can add a cursor to the entire page or you can change the cursor when hover a particular element easily by setting cursor property. Set the cursor to the body tag if you need to show it...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

50 no-code website builders you need in 2022

Coding takes time. It's 2022 and if you still spend hours making websites, this list is for you! Save 100+ hours on developing websites and researching |1| Swipe Pages Quickly create insanel...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

10 React Native UI libraries to spice up your apps

React Native lets you create native apps and doesn't compromise your UX. Here are 10 UI libraries to help you save time on designing while working with React Native. 1️⃣ MagnusUI Magnus UI i...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

Command Prompt tricks you did not know

Change colors You can change color using the following command in cmd. color <color-code> The following command will give you a list of all the colors you can use in cmd: help color...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

The Ultimate Roadmap for Mobile Development in 2022

Without Android apps, we couldn't envision our lifestyles. The number of mobile phone users has increased dramatically in the last two years and continues to rise. The demand for Android dev...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

The ultimate Python Cheatsheet

The Ultimate Python CheatSheet Basics Basic syntax from the python programming language Showing Output To User the print function is used to display or print output print("Content that...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

10 tools you can use to build mobile apps right now

Building a Mobile application in 2022 with fewer lines of code to almost zero lines of code is easier than ever before. These tools do not have a bigger learning curve therefore you can buil...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

10 CSS tips you need to know right now.

1. Change the color of the cursor for any input field 2. Center any thing with just 3 lines of CSS 3. Add smooth scroll in just one line of CSS 4. Add any image to the heading of a page t...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 3 years ago

5 programming languages that can make it big in 2022

We're all aware that tech is progressing at an alarming rate. It's common to see one technology surpass the other in terms of advancements and improvements. One thing that we must always kee...

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