Best Database for a Mobile App Development

Written by WooberlyEats on Dec 1st, 2020 Views Report Post

Best Database for Mobile App Development.png Are you curious to build a long-lasting mobile application? Then you must be aware of choosing the right database.

The right database can handle immense users and flexible to adapt to new updates.

Selecting the best database is a huge challenge for developers to build and fast and scalable mobile applications.

A lot of database sets available out but choosing the best out of it is relatively depends upon your use cases.

Some of the desirable databases:

Microsoft SQL Server

It is a type of relational database management system developed by Microsoft. It helps to store and retrieve the data requested by other applications.

It's a free source application and designed to target embedded and small-scale applications.


Hive is a database warehousing tool made on top of Hadoop. It analysis a data query and structured and semi-structured data.

It performs operations like data encapsulation and data query analysis easier.


PostgreSQL is popularly known as Postgres. It's a type of relational database management system.

It's the free and open-source database developed by the PostgreSQL Global Development Group.

It's a highly stable database commonly used for many web and mobile applications.

Microsoft Azure SQL

Microsoft Azure SQL is a fully managed database part of the Microsoft community.

It takes care of your app scalability and high data storage. It ensures the high level of availability and performance of your app.


MongoDB is one of the popular free to use databases used to build mobile applications.

It's a document-oriented database and performs at any scale. It provides an easy way of analyzing data and ad hoc queries and indexing operations.


It is an open-source relational database management system. It's the pre-eminent database set for developers because of its nature. It can do quick data processing with more reliability.

It's easy for developers to download and optimize it.


Redis is an open-source database used as an in-memory key-value store. It acts as a cache and message broker.

It's one of the fastest databases for developing gaming and streaming app development.


SQLite is the relational database management system operated in C language. It's a serverless and transactional database search engine.

The SQLite code is free and adaptable for commercial products.


MariaDB is the relational database management system developed by the MariaDB Corporation.

It is the fork MySQL database system designed to provide fast performance and more reliability.

Important facts you should consider before selecting a database:

Here are the selection criteria the developers should analyze to provide long-lasting mobile applications.

Data Structure

Before storing the information in a database, You must structure your data according to your needs.

The well-organized structure of data will allow you to easily add and edit and re-locate any information you want.

Data Size

The size of data is playing a major role in selecting the right database for mobile app development. The size of data refers to the volume of data you're going to store or retrieve.

It has some limitations to store the data, So should be aware of the database which offers the large space.

Data Modeling

Data modeling is a representation of data structure and an efficient way to store and retrieve information in the database.

It's helpful to develop an app with location-based features.

Speed and Scalability

Speed and Scalability are essential to building a speeder app performance. If you want quick data processing and want to see the results as much as possible, Then you must select the fast processing and more effective database for your mobile app development.

Data Security

Data security is the must-have criteria in database selection. Apart from speed and scalability another major concern is to secure the stored data. It is important to store and retrieve, transmit the data in a secure way.

I hope you got some useful information about database selection and the importance of choosing the right database for your mobile app development.

Originally Published in: top app development companies

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