A brief tutorial on integrating Laravel Octane with FrankenPHP and Laravel Herd, including MinIO-based S3 storage. Please not that this is a simple setup. You might want other ip or port settings...
(Laravel 11)
Install Laravel Octane (FrankenPHP)
composer require laravel/octane
When prompted, say “yes” to auto-install FrankenPHP.
php artisan octane:install --server=frankenphp
To monitor file changes, install chokidar (hot reloading):
npm install --save-dev chokidar
Link your Herd (Valet) URL to Octane, with https://
In your Laravel project folder, run:
herd unlink
herd proxy YOUR_APP_URL.test --secure
(Herd will now route requests for https://YOUR_APP_URL.test to Octane on port 8000.)
Set Up File Storage (S3 / MinIO)
Install the AWS S3 Flysystem driver (required even if you’re using MinIO locally):
composer require league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 "^3.0" --with-all-dependencies
Follow Herd’s documentation to enable MinIO locally:
• https://herd.laravel.com/docs/macos/herd-pro-services/minio
Make sure your local MinIO bucket has PUBLIC read access for development.
Update your .env
with the MinIO credentials found in Herd → Services → MinIO
Configure Default Storage, Filament, Livewire and Spatie Media Library
If using Filament or Spatie Media Library, point them to the s3 disk in your .env
For Livewire’s temporary file uploads (in config/livewire.php):
'temporary_file_upload' => [
'disk' => env('FILAMENT_FILESYSTEM_DISK', 'local'), //or simply 's3'
// ...
Start Octane
You may need to restart Herd services and clear your cache before starting Octane:
php artisan octane:frankenphp --watch
If chokidar is installed, Octane will watch and hot-reload on file changes. Now visit https://YOUR_APP_URL.test and enjoy the speed!
- If you see 404s on stored images, confirm that your bucket has public read access. The same applies if you get errors when uploading files with Filament or Livewire.
- Memory errors? Read the Laravel documentation carefully about memory leaks and try increasing the memory limit in Herd php settings
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