Sapphire Crown: Development post 03

Written by Kutumpu on Apr 19th, 2023 Views Report Post

incredible development right.png


Long time, no see, right? Development of Sapphire Crown is going good overall. GameDev Season 1 didn't yet finish, but the effects are already visible. And it still goes on, but on a slower pace, as most conceptual work has been finished and now the coding begins. I am finding some trouble at programming, but these problems will be solved eventually: don't doubt it. So. Quick summary, what work on the demo has been done?

  • Music is ready for production, still queued behind programming
  • The game's motor is each day more complete
  • Most mechanics are already fleshed out
  • Rooms, enemies and dialogues are alreadyt staged and ready to begin programming once the motor allows me to

And some more features to be kept quiet until further notice.

We will see each other in the next development post. When will it be? Likely in May. Thank you for staying tuned, but a lot of work is left to do.

Work in process: 11% Work done: 39%

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