Why is the React Framework First Choice of Web App Development?

Why is the React Framework First Choice of Web App Development?

Written by Jane Brewer on Oct 14th, 2022 Views Report Post

React.js, a JavaScript library created by Facebook, was released in 2013 and instantly became one of the most preferred front-end frameworks for building highly interactive web apps with complex UI elements, user interactions and dynamic content.

Its main aim was to allow users to create reusable custom components that could fit into various use cases, thus empowering developers to build apps faster and in less time, while still providing high quality results that are easy to maintain, debug and enhance over the long run.

What is React ?

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It has a different design from Angular or Ember because it is written in JSX, which makes it easier to write code with HTML tags. This also makes it possible to use React to create apps that run on both the web and mobile devices without having to create separate versions of your app for each platform.

Reasons Why Use React.js For Web Development

Basic understanding

The first reason why the React framework is a great choice for web app development, especially for those who are just starting out with programming or are new to it altogether, is that it has a very low barrier to entry. In other words, you don't need to know much about programming in order to learn how to develop a simple web application using it. Compared to other frameworks, like Angular or Ember, which require more complex coding skills, React only requires you to have an understanding of HTML and JavaScript.

Performance Advantage

React has a number of advantages over other web frameworks. It's fast - React doesn't use DOM diffing or heavy computations to update your UI, so it's typically much faster than other frameworks. The framework was built for performance and speed, and it achieves those goals with ease. The whole library weighs only about 20KB, which makes it more lightweight than most other options available on the market.

Native Performance on Mobile Devices

React provides native performance, which means your app will run just as well on a desktop computer as it would on a mobile device. This means that you won’t have to worry about much when developing for both platforms. You can use Javascript and HTML5 for a web-based interface or React Native for iOS and Android apps. You can even use the same code base.

Improved loading times

React's virtual DOM gives developers a head start in terms of optimization for load times. The framework pre-renders and diffs the virtual DOM to provide a more efficient way to render components on the page.

It only updates those parts that have changed, which means it doesn't waste resources by updating things that don't need to be updated. This results in a significant reduction in loading time, meaning your users are less likely to abandon your site before they're able to interact with it.

Leaner Codebase

The leaner codebase helps make React apps much more maintainable and scalable. It also means that it's easier to add new features and fix bugs in your app.

The main benefit of a leaner codebase is that it makes your app more maintainable, which means you spend less time on maintenance as you develop your app. This also means you spend less time on bug fixes because they are less likely to crop up or happen as often with a leaner codebase.

Strong Community Support

The community support for React is one of the most important things that make it such a great framework. It's built on top of Facebook's open-sourced library called Flux. This means that if you have a question about how to do something, there's likely someone else out there who has had that same question and either solved it themselves or found an answer online.

Excellent cross-platform support

The first reason for React's popularity among web app developers is its cross-platform support. For example, a website built with React can be viewed from any device - meaning that you don't have to worry about compatibility or whether your site will work on someone else's computer. This has long been an issue for sites built with other frameworks, as people may use different operating systems and browsers which makes it difficult to provide a fully functional website for all users.

Proficient Data Binding

In the world of web apps, data binding is essential for data transfer from one state to another. This process ensures that a change in one part of an application triggers changes in other parts. There are different types of data bindings such as two-way binding and single-directional binding. Two-way binding updates both sides when data changes. Single-directional bindings only update one side when data changes.

Template designing made easy

The best part about using a React template is that it's easy to use. It's like designing an amazing room in your house, but you get to do it with your eyes closed. Templates are also great for those who don't have a lot of experience with design, because they make design decisions for you. This way, you can focus on what makes your company unique and special.

UI focused designs

React development services are based on UI focused design philosophy. It is a key advantage. It means that you don't need to spend time learning how to create an API or backend service before you can create any user interfaces. As a result, your team can focus on what they do best and get more done in less time. With a UI focused approach, it doesn't matter if your app is written in JavaScript, Swift, or Java—React can be used with any programming language on the front-end.


React has quickly become one of the most popular frameworks for developing web apps. It may not be perfect, but it's a great way to build your app and keep development costs low. Partner with React development company that allows you to utilize several ways to use React in your Project.

Developers can use React on its own or with other libraries such as Redux, Bootstrap or Jest. React can also be integrated into any existing projects without any issues whatsoever. If you're looking for an easy-to-use framework that will have everything needed for a professional looking site then React is definitely the best choice.

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