AWS In Depth: What is Amazon Bracket.

AWS In Depth: What is Amazon Bracket.

Written by Adam. R on Oct 19th, 2021 Views Report Post

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Welcome to a new series where I go in-depth and explain about one AWS Service per article. This series will be a BLAST🔥!

Time to go In-Depth

To begin we need to know what basic goal that AWS Bracket to trying to give us. AWS Bracket is inside the Quantum Technologies. The goal basically is to allow you to be in a development environment to design quantum algorithms, test them on quantum simulators, and run them on a quantum computer. That sounds very exciting since only very few companies in the world have access to those types of computers, AWS is now letting people around the WORLD to use quantum computers just by pressing a button! But while going in depth inside AWS Bracket I have found out that once you start using Bracket you are being given access quantum computing hardware operated by one of the third-party hardware providers! When I found out AWS doesn't even own their own Quantum Computers. I was surprised. I have managed to find some of the companies that help Amazon and they are D Wave, and IONQ. If you are using the Quantum Computers you authorize AWS to transfer such Content to the Hardware Provider for processing.

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