v0.0.2 - Solana Riptide Hackathon v0.0.2 - Solana Riptide Hackathon

Written by on Mar 6th, 2022 Views Report Post

👋 Introduction

For anyone who has not yet seen the first post where we introduced Guilds and the idea behind it, make sure to do so here:

Introduction to Guild - incentivize your team with SOL crypto rewards 💡

🚀 Current Progress

So far, it has been great fun to be part of this Hackathon and develop the Web 3 project. 🤩

We now have the following functionality already in place:

💸 SPL token awards

Now users can get awards for their completed tasks and the time that they've been on shift with just a click of a button!

Guild SPL token awards

The awards are sent then directly to the user's Phantom Wallet that they've authenticated with. The users can then view the transaction directly on

🔔 Discord Notifications

You can add the URL to your Discord Webhook, and you will start getting notifications for actions taken by your Guild!

Guild Discord Notifications

If you leave the Discord field empty, you will not get notifications.

🔔 Slack Notifications

Just like with the Discord notifications, you will be able to do absolutely the same thing with Slack as well. 🙌

🌊 SPL step by step creation guide

You can follow the built-in step by step guide on how to create your very own Solana SPL token which you can later on use to reward your team mates with!

Guild SPL step by step creation guide

🎨 Dark and light modes

We've started working on some of the UI changes as well!

Guild Dark and light modes

❓ Things To Do

  • Badges for specific accomplishments (e.g., closed 10 tasks, worked for a total of 100 hours, etc.)
  • Discussion board where people could share ideas
  • Shift log where the time when a shift was started and ended is recorded

Infrastructure planning

The plan for the infrastructure setup is still staying almost the same. We are just planning to add an additional worker to process the queues. Here is a quick diagram that we've put:

🔧 Tools

The tools which we've used so far are:

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