Amazing 10+ CSS Border Example

Amazing 10+ CSS Border Example

Written by gaganjot singh on Apr 5th, 2021 Views Report Post

Black and Yellow Basic Presentation Template.jpg

If You Like This Article then check Out more Examples 30+ CSS border Style example

    Title:- CSS Border style transitions
    Author:- Giana
    Made With:- HTML CSS 

    Title:- [PURE CSS] border animation without svg
    Author:- Rplus
    Made With:- HTML CSS

    Title:- Imperfect Buttons
    Author:- Tiffany Rayside
    Made With:- HTML CSS

"Hand-Drawn" border effect on buttons w/CSS border-radius
FYI: There is a bug when rendering the dotted / dashed borders in FF.
Rendering solid borders in FF is fine.

   Title:- Sass button border hover effect mixin
   Author:- Giana
   Made With:- HTML CSS

       Title:- CSS Border Animation
       Author:- Nick
       Made With:- HTML CSS

        Title:- CSS border (using an SVG)
        Author:- Louis Hoebregts
        Made With:- HTML CSS

    Title:- Single element CSS border animation & ripple
    Author:- Peter Norton
    Made With:- HTML CSS

I've seen a few border hover animations like this one, but never one that was a single element, or wasn't 400 lines of css long - not to say they don't exist, I just haven't seen them. This is my simple solution to that. I added the ripple effect to push the boundaries of a one element ui.

      Title:- Colorful CSS Buttons
      Author:- Chris Deacy
      Made With:- HTML CSS

A collection of various types of CSS buttons in various colors.

      Title:- Button Hover States
      Author:- James Power
      Made With:- HTML CSS

Snazzy CSS hover states for a button.

        Title:- Animated CSS Gradient Border
        Author:- Mike Schultz
        Made With:- HTML CSS  

If You Like This Article then check Out more Examples 30+ CSS border Style example

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