DevDojo Weekly - Dec 2022

DevDojo Weekly - Dec 2022

Written by Dev Dojo on Dec 13th, 2022 Views Report Post

Hello friends 👋 It's the time of week again where we select 5 posts as last weeks winners and share a little bit of news about DevDojo 📰

In this edition of the DevDojo Weekly we have posts on adding Prisma to your NextJS project, Why you should avoid onclick, Laravel on Windows, Useful API's, and using the Filament form builder 🛠

If you want a chance to win $10 in Crypto rewards 💰 Write a post on the DevDojo and you will automatically be entered. Learn more about the official rules here.

Below are the 🖐 posts we picked as last weeks winners. 🏆

🏆 Winning Posts

💰 New Tails Features and SAAS Project

This month we'll be adding a few more feature additions to Tails. There are a few places in Tails, where we use textareas and allow you to add some custom CSS/JS to the header or the footer of the document... But, textareas are horrible for adding code, so we'll be adding the ability to open that section in a built-in code editor 🤓

We're also making some good progress on our SaaS platform, Foundation. Here is a preview of the application dashboard. Here you'll be able to deploy new Laravel applications with the click of a button. It will take 30 - 60 seconds to boot up a new server 🔥


More news to come on this new project 😊

That's all for this week friends ✌️ I hope you have an excellent second week of December and I hope you'll continue building and learning 🤓

Effort Shift 😅

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