5 Online Resources for Learning Regex

5 Online Resources for Learning Regex

Written by Dev Dojo on Feb 7th, 2018 Views Report Post

I have to admit that learning Regex is one of those things I learned slowly over time. Still to this day when I need to create a regex I find myself still having to Google some patterns that I've done before.

I finally decided to dive deep into learning more about Regular Expressions and wanted to share my top 5 resources for learning and Mastering Regular Expressions.

1. Regex One

Regex One

Regex One is an amazing and easy to follow interactive tutorial. These tutorials can help you if you don't know anything about Regex. You'll learn Letters, Digits, Characters, and all the basics you need to get you started. Be sure to check out this amazing resource to learn the basics about Regular expressions.

2. Regex Crossword

Regex Crossword

Regex Crossword has a series of puzzles to solve and match letters. These fun and interactive puzzles will help you learn more about regular expressions and hammer down the fundamentals.

3. TryRegEX

Try Regex

TryRegex is a fun interactive tutorial with challenges and steps to help you learn regular expressions using Javascript. This is very easy to follow and will help you understand how you can use Regular Expressions in the javascript language.

4. Regexr


After you've started to get the hang of Regex you'll want to checkout Regexr. Regexr is kind of like CodePen, but for Regular expressions. On this site, you'll be able to learn a bit more about Regular expressions as well as save patterns.

5. Regex 101

Regex 101

Regex 101 is a great interactive tool to help you figure out the regular expression you are trying to create. This website has an excellent reference guide and a beautiful user interface.

Make sure to check out all these resources and hammer down those Regular Expressions! Learning how to use Regular Expressions in your workflow will save you a lot of time and it will allow you to match patterns in your future applications.

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