Catt Tung


176 Points 1 Followers

25 Posts

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Hi there! I'm Catt, a software developer in Boston, Massachusetts, formerly a business development manager at in London, U.K. I'm always learning new things and sharpening my skills in the coding space and decided to start blogging for accountability on my learning journey. After a couple hours of research I decided to set myself up on DevDojo. My dev portfolio and resume can be found at

Catt Tung · 1 year ago

21May2023: Last 6 mo&Learn to Program by Chris Pine

Ok it's been half a year, again, since I've come on to post. On one hand I feel bad, on the other hand I was so stacked out at work it was unbelievable. And now back to the Dojo. What have I...

Catt Tung · 1 year ago

3Nov2022: JS Code Challenge, Hackathon at work

It has been such a busy time; are Bostonians always so busy and so on it? It's almost a year since I've moved to Boston, which feels crazy because I feel like I've barely touched my toes int...

Catt Tung · 1 year ago

16Sep2022: JS Challenge to get me into the weekend

Been an incredibly busy week at work this week. I actually used my first Python SDK - we were taking excel spreadsheets with data (eg. contacts) and uploading it to our clients' accounts on...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

10Sep2022: The Return

I have finally returned and made my first real commits in a month+...what happened? I definitely lost my way and was wrapped up with so much that studying has become secondary. I work full t...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

2Jul2022: Data Structures

Today I completed the section with several exercises with arrays from The Self-Taught Computer Scientist - it's a bit confusing doing arrays in Python - the difference mentioned is that an a...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

1Jul2022: CS50

I typed a beautiful [very long] post about a bunch of things I studied today and hit Publish but it neither published nor saved...and I did not stop it fast enough to CTRL C my whole post bu...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

29Jun2022: Dungeons and Dragons API call React SPA

Today I spent a lot of time coding React apps, continuing from yesterday building out a single page application with using react-router-dom to render different pages dynamically (instead of...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

28Jun2022: React Client Side Routing

I literally was so focused and sucked in on coding projects today that I forgot to sit down to write! I was basically practicing creating SPAs and the kind of “fake routing” React does with...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

27Jun2022: Arrays, API calls practice

Today I spent a lot of time coding - I was playing around with an API and remembering how to use React to make public API calls. I was combing through many of the React apps we built in Gene...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

26Jun2022: Data Structures, Party Overflow

Party Overflow Again today I worked on Party Overflow - I really like going through all the components again and remembering what building an app looks like (this one also happens to be the...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

25Jun2022: Party Overflow, chat about programming

Today I worked a little bit on Party Overflow, building out creating a new post and adding it to the navigation and login functionality. Apart from that I didn't tend too much to my coding....

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

24Jun2022: Party Overflow, OOP concepts review

Party Overflow I finally got back to Party Overflow today and was able to run the proper terminal command to get my backend server running and resolved the bug I was getting in the past. It'...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

23Jun2022: CS50, Leetcode

Today I was watching/studying from the CS50 Harvard course on edX - classic course everyone talks about studying. It starts with writing programs with scratch and then translating them into...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

22Jun2022: Programming Paradigms, Coding Challenges

I've been working on a coding challenge for a while and I think it's time to step away - it works but the exception handling isn't working so I think I will see it with a fresh pair of eyes....

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

21Jun2020: Codewars, Flexbox

Today I took a bit of a break from the studying and I just did a coding challenge and also did some review on Flexbox through Wes Bos' What the Flexbox course. I didn't get around to much co...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

20Jun2022: LeetCode, Maths

Today was another chill day on the coding front, just from a couple other personal priorities taking precedence which are really important for some upcoming reasons. But I am trying to keep...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

19Jun2022: Party Overflow, Hangman, Week in Review

Party Overflow I started off my coding practice today looking to work on Party Overflow - I built out the SignIn.jsx page, but when I tried to run it, it started giving me some errors around...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

18Jun2022: DS&A

Today has been really great fun, I started off the day on a good foot finally (thank goodness for not having splitting migraines) with studying more data structures and algorithms in The Sel...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

17Jun2022: Party Overflow

Today was another day where I took a bit of time off, but I did get a chance to get into Party Overflow in the evening. I was able to complete the Signup portion of the app. I did learn some...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

16Jun2022: Party Overflow..friend visit

Today I actually didn't get around to studying because I spent the day with my friend from London - I planned to when I got home but I have a migraine from it being kind of cold outside actu...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

15Jun2022: Party overflow, Merge sort, Understanding a mistake

Party Overflow Today I mainly worked on building out the signup function on the Party Overflow React app from my coding bootcamp. Building out the form and creating a "handleChange&quot...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

14Jun2022: Hackathons, Recursive functions, DS&A

So today I've been feeling a bit burnt out from a few personal things that have been lingering in my life - something like my spiritual garden needs tending but I've still been ploughing awa...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

13Jun2022: DS&A, apps, JS review, LeetCode

Data Structures and Algorithms Today I spent some time studying sorting algorithms: bubble sort and insertion sort. I like that in the book The Self Taught Programmer the sorting functions a...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

12Jun2022: Party Overflow, LeetCode

I have about 9 minutes to write something up before it goes to 13Jun2022 - Party Overflow Today I took a bit of a break compared to yesterday but I still did my coding - first I continued to...

Catt Tung · 2 years ago

11Jun2022: DS&A, blog setup, Codewars, Party Overflow

First blogpost on DevDojo! Well this will be fun - I'm really looking forward already to writing posts (and perhaps I will start to dread it later on that I will be writing almost daily) and...

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