Back-end Web Dev Frameworks that you should try

Back-end Web Dev Frameworks that you should try

Written by Arpit Soni on May 9th, 2022 Views Report Post

Choosing the best backend web development framework is a little bit harder for beginners. With the so many availabilities of web frameworks, it’s confusing to choose the best web framework according to your skills.

Here are the web development frameworks that you should try. The sequence doesn't matter, every framework are best.

1. Django

Django is one of the most popular web frameworks written in python. Django framework follows Model View Template (MVT) pattern. If you already know python programming or your background is python then this is the best web framework.

This back-end framework is optimal, reduced coding, pluggability, greater reusability, and faster development.

Django Rest Framework is also best and easier to make REST API

Personally, I used this framework.


Todo app in Django Blog app in Django

2. Laravel

Written in PHP

Laravel is a PHP framework that follows Model View Controller (MVC) architecture. People who love PHP can easily learn Laravel.

It offers a modular packaging system equipped with a dedicated dependency manager. Laravel is rated as one of the best web frameworks.

3. Flask

Written in Python

Flask is a Python-based micro web framework. It is micro in the sense that Flask aims to keep the core simple but extensible. Developers that have a grasp of Python can easily adapt to working with Flask. As a micro-framework, it’s perfect for applications that require heavy customization.

4. Express.js

Written in JavaScript

Express.js, aka Express, is a backend web application framework designed for building web applications and APIs. It provides a thin layer of fundamental web app features. And with a myriad of HTTP utility methods and middleware, creating a robust API is quick and easy.

5. Ruby on Rails

Written in Ruby

Ruby on Rails, also known as Rails, is a server-side framework written in Ruby. It offers default structures for a database, web pages, and web service. Scalability is one of the main reasons for many users to opt for Ruby on Rails.

6. FastAPI

Written in Python

FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), a web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints.

FastAPI gives great flexibility to fulfill businesses’ API needs in today’s evolving world.

The key to executing automated web testing has a framework that takes care of the tedious work by providing out-of-the-box capabilities like mocking web requests and responses. And there is one such framework, Test RESTful APIs (FastAPI), which makes it possible to test rest endpoints without coding.

Official website:

7. Spring

Written in Java

Are you a Java lover, this is the best framework for you. Spring is the most popular framework for enterprise Java.

It leverages the Spring platform and third-party libraries to enable the developers to get started with minimum hassle.

It focuses on the “plumbing” of enterprise applications so that teams can focus on application-level business logic.

Official website:

Well I used some of them and others are used by my friends. I asked them and made this list. and yes we all know all technology are best :)

Comment on other frameworks that I should try next.

Find me on twitter: twitter/awwarpit


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