What Is A SaaS Business Model And How Does It Work?

Written by Tarun Nagar on Sep 14th, 2020 Views Report Post


SaaS basically stands for Software-as-a-Service, which can be explained as a type of software that can be hosted on a cloud infrastructure.

This means that a SaaS model can be operated through a web browser.

Businesses and companies have to pay an amount to this software as their monthly subscription.

In order to make a SaaS product deliverable and valuable to the market, various qualities and skills are needed such as efficient coding knowledge, interactive user interface design skills, as well as a good knowledge of the market’s needs and trends.

The SaaS business models can be regarded as one of the most complex business models in all the models of development.

The reason for the popularity of every SaaS development company is its ability to be hosted on the Cloud.

In today’s world, it has given endless benefits to various companies as well as its employees.

It eliminates the need for an end-user license to activate the software at their end or the need for any special infrastructure to host the software.

Customers availing the SaaS services just have to log in to their respective accounts to get full access to the software.

The Growing Demand For SaaS

SaaS has emerged as a greatly effective and attractive model that adapts to service-related needs.

Business owners do not intend to invest a huge amount of their company revenue in the creation of an IT infrastructure to suit the needs of the company in a specific manner.

It is also difficult to maintain such infrastructure.

In this scenario, SaaS comes into play. Organizations prefer to use SaaS solutions or hire SaaS app developers for the same.

It acts as an integral solution for the elimination of cost, increasing efficiency, and maintenance issues of companies.

Only a small membership fee gives access to companies to access the products and features of the software.

There are other factors behind the growth and differentiation of the SaaS models from the other models.

It includes the development process of SaaS, the huge amount of reinvestment needed to grow a SaaS business, and the possibility of its stable growth.

The Phases Of A SaaS Business

We can divide a SaaS business into three phases according to the growth rate and the experience that they have.

The way companies pass these phases is different; some companies take forever to reach the second phase and some are great and reach there in no time.

It all depends upon the way a company works and how they create their connections.

The Cloud computing market is strong and hence companies that want to start will have an upper hand as the market is still new.

There are some companies that have a monopoly in the international market but the local market still needs some new ones.

Companies that understand the needs of their clients and always provide them with the best fullstack development services will get to the second phase.

And if they stick to it and keep improving their services they will eventually reach the third stage.

It might take time for the companies to get to the final stage but once they are there, no one would be able to bring them down.

The three stages are detailed below:

1. Startup

This is the initial stage in which the company has to set everything up and develop a product that will become the base for the company.

The marketing plan is created, the market is analyzed, and then the work starts and the company starts getting their first few customers and clients.

This is the phase that holds great importance in every company's journey.

If the start is not right, it will be really tough for the organization to get to the final destination which is phase three.

To get this done, it is important that everyone in the company works with the same level of excitement and enthusiasm.

This is also something that will create the base for the next two phases - if this is strong, then everything else can run smoothly.

The company will need to hire dedicated developers to handle projects properly.

2. HyperGrowth

In the first phase, if the product gets into the market properly and clients like the developed SaaS product then it will spread like fire.

This means that there will be many more clients and the SaaS development company will start working at its full potential.

There might be some problems that the company will face related to the quality or the services provided by the product but this is where the company needs to work.

All the problems have to be resolved while the work is going on.

This is the phase where the company can’t stop working even for a day.

Hyper-growth really means what it says, the cloud-based mobile app development company will grow at a great pace and will even fall if not handled properly.

Everything in this phase needs to be done properly because this is also the phase where the brand image is created.

It is important to have a good brand image and the SaaS product should also have good reviews.

3. Stable Golden Goose

Again, this is exactly what the first word of the name says - the stable phase.

In this phase, the company reaches a point where they have reached the market, people like their SaaS product, and they are also earning a great profit.

This is the phase where the company is in a position to hire dedicated developers other than the ones in the past phases.

It also reduces stress and helps the company to focus on other important things.


There are a lot of directions where a SaaS development company can grow.

Some of the most organic ideas for growth and development are increasing the number of visitors aka the traffic of the website, introduction to trending marketing channels, adding product upsells, and adding an affiliate program.

It is important to keep an eye on the latest innovations to ensure grip on the market.

Any web development company will only imbibe SaaS as its infrastructure.

It satisfies the company with a faster, cleaner, and stronger service.

The goal of every company is to satisfy its customers and SaaS can be a boon for it for achieving the same.

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