How to connect Supabase and Nextjs

Written by studywithdesign1111 on May 16th, 2022 Views Report Post

👋beautiful people in this first tutorial of connecting next js and supabase.

Step1: Go to and click on start project and then this 👇page will appear.

You can be signing by creating GitHub account on and then go back to supabase and sign in.

Step2: Click on New Project

Then it will ask you to create a new project.

Name: You can type any name of the database. You can also change the name later on.

Database Password: This is a permanent password so please don’t do any mistakes here. You cannot change or get the password of the database again. So save it somewhere.

Region: Select any region that is near you. This will boost your performance.

Project Tier: For now, just select the free tier, and when you need you can also upgrade it.

Then click create a new project. It will take some time.

So, our supabase setup has been done.

👋beautiful people in this first tutorial of connecting next js and supabase.

Step1: Go to and click on start project and then this 👇page will appear.

You can be signing by creating GitHub account on and then go back to supabase and sign in.

Step2: Click on New Project

Then it will ask you to create a new project.

Name: You can type any name of the database. You can also change the name later on.

Database Password: This is a permanent password so please don’t do any mistakes here. You cannot change or get the password of the database again. So save it somewhere.

Region: Select any region that is near you. This will boost your performance.

Project Tier: For now, just select the free tier, and when you need you can also upgrade it.

Then click create a new project. It will take some time.

So, our supabase setup has been done.

Let’s create a next-app by typing

npx create next-app **[name of the app]**

After the app is created. Go to the directory of the app. Then create a new file


First, copy the URL and key of the project

Then type the below👇 code

NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL = [url of supabase project]

NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_KEY = [secret key of supabase project]

Then download @supabase/supabase-js 👇

npm install @supabase/supabase-js

Then create a new folder name **utils **in which create a new file — supabase.js


Then write this code in your supabase.js file

import { createClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js";

const url = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL;

const key = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_KEY;

export const supabase = createClient(url, key);

Ok, the integration is done. For people who understand Hindi: Slide 16_9 - 1.jpg

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