

45 Points 1 Followers

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Narendra · 3 years ago

Access windows localhost from wsl2

By default wsl2 enables wsl localhost to be accessible from windows but not vice versa. To able to access you need to use windows system IP from wsl2. Running below command gives us Network...

Narendra · 3 years ago

Typescript - Access nested types

interface Foo { fizz: { buzz: { bar: { baz: number; }[]; }; }; } Accessing nested types of an object can be done by using: TS...

Narendra · 3 years ago

How semicolons(;) work in JS

Semicolons in JS(like most other languages) are used as delimiters to separate statements from one another. Without semicolons, it might be difficult for a parser to differentiate the end of...

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