Manasse Ngudia


641 Points 1 Followers

3 Posts

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I'm a Full Stack Software Developer, an open-source contributor, and an AI Enthusiast who loves building innovative products. I have built and contributed to numerous projects from the ground up and the best product is the one that people use.

Manasse Ngudia · 4 years ago

A Noble Introduction to Rubix ML: A PHP Machine Learning Library

Introduction If your are a PHP developer or you are looking for a friendly and delightful library you can use to build applications that learn from your data you should seriously consider Ru...

Manasse Ngudia · 4 years ago

Create Music Using Artificial Intelligence

The use of Artificial Intelligence as a tool to make music or help musicians is a common practice nowadays. In this article, I will share with you some Artificial Intelligence tools that can...

Manasse Ngudia · 4 years ago

What is Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning?

Introduction If you’re relatively new studying Machine Learning you will come across many different terms such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural network, and deep learning...

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