Erick Agullo


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Erick Agullo · 2 months ago

localStorage and sessionStorage: What they are, their difference and the window object

What is the Window Object? The Window is a representation in the browser of an interface, which contains a website head and body in the form of a DOM document. The window object contains var...

Erick Agullo · 1 year ago

How to fix the digital envelope routines::unsupported error on Node.js

If you found yourself stuck on this error, Node's OpenSSL is to blame. But don't worry, it's a quick fix. In the latest releases, Node.js now includes OpenSSL 3.0 (quictls/openssl which prov...

Erick Agullo · 1 year ago

Detect MetaMask in the user's browser on React

To detect wether the user has MetaMask already installed on their browser or not, we can add these simple functions in our code. On you App.js file, add this code before the return() stateme...

Erick Agullo · 1 year ago

How to polyfill node core modules in webpack

Webpack (<5) used to include NodeJS polyfills by default, this has changed after the upgrade to Webpack 5. In this tutorial you will learn how to polyfill node core modules in Webpack 5 a...

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