25Jun2022: Party Overflow, chat about programming

Written by Catt Tung on Jun 25th, 2022 Views Report Post

Today I worked a little bit on Party Overflow, building out creating a new post and adding it to the navigation and login functionality. Apart from that I didn't tend too much to my coding. I did have a chat with my friend and we talked about a lot of things in my past regarding coding - we used to work for the same company and we discussed what the tech stack was built upon and that was really insightful to understand. We also discussed OOP vs Functional programming together - she talked about how much Functional programming helped her learn patterns and logic when she learned in school, and that she enjoys learning with Elixir.

Today was just a bit of a tough day (the whole week has been) mentally. I trust that when it's time I'll be able to focus again.

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