Work with me - a 25 Minutes Pomodoro Video Session

Work with me - a 25 Minutes Pomodoro Video Session

Written by Bobby Iliev on Jun 9th, 2021 Views Report Post

Need to get some work done? Let's be productive together!

You can use this video as a timer for your Pomodoro sessions.

5 Minutes Pomodoro Video Session

The idea behind the Pomodoro sessions is to separate your tasks into small 25 minute blocks and take 5-minute breaks after each session.

Here's how my sessions usually go:

  1. I make a to-do list for the day. In the base case scenario, each task in the to-do list is not longer than 25-30 minutes
  2. I then choose a single task
  3. After that I start a 25-minute timer or lay the video
  4. For those 25 minutes, I only focus on that one specific task
  5. After the 25 minutes are over I would take a 5-minute break
  6. Then after the break I would start a new 25-minute session by replaying the video

In this 25 minute session, I'm working on a new DevDojo tutorial.

Hope that you find this useful!

Comment down bellow and let me know what tools or methods you use to be more productive.

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