Laravel Telescope

Laravel Telescope

Written by Amine Dev on Jan 12th, 2019 Views Report Post


Telescope is a new wizard to debug a Laravel application. It gives us access to a wealth of information on the queries that enter the application, exceptions, queries to the database, queues, mails, notifications, cache ...

Telescope is still in the beta stage but it is already widely used. I propose in this article to look at its possibilities. We will finally have for Laravel a tool worthy of the name!


Telescope requires Laravel 5.7.7+.

You may use Composer to install Telescope into your Laravel project:

composer require laravel/telescope
php artisan telescope:install
php artisan migrate

The requests

We have the list of requests with the verb, the url, the HTTP code and when it is passed. The icon of one eye is also available for more information about a query:

We  have all the details like the headers:

Les commandes

For Artisan orders it's the same principle: we have the list of past orders and we can get the detail:

Dump Watcher

The dump watcher records and displays your variable dumps in Telescope. When using Laravel, variables may be dumped using the global dump function. The dump watcher tab must be open in a browser for the recording to occur, otherwise the dumps will be ignored by the watcher.

Event Watcher

The event watcher records the payload, listeners, and broadcast data for any events dispatched by your application. The Laravel framework's internal events are ignored by the Event watcher.

Exception Watcher

The exception watcher records the data and stack trace for any reportable Exceptions that are thrown by your application.

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