Why are you reading this article? Is it even worth your time?
It's hard to keep your readers engaged, and sometimes a catchy title isn't enough. Sometimes you need fireworks and explosions. Watch... Here are some fireworks:
And here is an awesome Iron Man explosion Gif:
Now, you're still reading right?
This is the kind of stuff your articles need to keep users engaged. Here is a list of things that you may want to incorporate in your articles to keep your readers engaged. Here are your
10 Tips on Writing Good Articles:
- Solve a Problem! - For instance, our problem is "Readers don't get engaged as easily". Solve a problem and your audience will want to keep reading.
- Add an Animated GIF - Animated Gifs are amazing, plus it gives your readers a little break inbetween. Just as another example, I'm sure you'll appreciate this GIF
He thinks he's flying... That's adorable.
- Add a List... For instance, this is number 3 of our list. Readers like to read steps to solving the problem.
- Add some originality - Be yourself, express your opinion, and maybe even add a drawing...
- Don't use internet slang or abbreviations - LOL, you know what I mean? OMG, that is too funny. We're not texting anyone here... We're talking to the reader. Use the full word, there's no need to abbreviate in your articles.
- Add an intriguing featured thumbnail - We chose an image that from shutterstock.com and manipulated a little bit. Spend a little time on your image, it's kind of like a book cover. No one's going to want to read a book with a crappy cover.
- Add links - For instance, above the Iron Man GIF we added a link to the Iron Man IMDB page, so if you're unfamiliar with Iron Man you can click the link. (If you don't know Iron Man... I question your humanity, but that's beside the point...)
- Add some of yourself into the article - It's ok to get a little personal, the people reading your article probably want to know a little about your opinion.
- Add good content - if you find yourself writing and questioning the people who would want to read your article... You need to stop writing... You should want to read your own stuff!
- Keep it reasonably short - Your readers aren't settling in to read a novel, they want a 5-10 minute article max, so keep it reasonably short...
And that's it. Another animated GIF below to keep you reading...
Keep to these guidelines and your readers will be much happier :)
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