How AI Can Be Used To Boosting Your Website Experience

How AI Can Be Used To Boosting Your Website Experience

Written by Amit Agrawal on Jul 31st, 2019 Views Report Post

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is having an impact on all sectors and digital processes as deep as it is difficult to quantify. The software development segment is no exception. As sector experts have indicated, each aspect of the software development cycle will benefit from the implementation of artificial intelligence tools and machine learning technologies. 

From predicting the timing of a project and estimating software delivery times to the detection of programming errors, and even programming and testing assistants. Artificial intelligence solutions and machine learning already offer invaluable help to programmers to speed up the development process.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence programming and machine learning have so far only been used through some tools created for speeding the development purposes. In the coming years, Software as a Service (SaaS) packages will begin to incorporate artificial intelligence and machine learning. Cloud services already use algorithms based on artificial intelligence, and the time has come for artificial intelligence tools to begin to be offered through subscription-based services.


Before explaining the real benefits of AI for software development processes, it is worth taking a look at some of the most recent cases of AI integration in the software development cycle,especially with Enterprise Mobility Solutions.

1. Google bug spot tool w3C 

Due to the volume of code changes that can accumulate over a month, as well as the increase in the size of code bases and developer teams, keep track of programming errors It is becoming an increasingly complicated task. This Google error prediction tool applies automatic learning algorithms with website development services and deep statistical analysis to detect errors and unreliable lines of code. The tool allows using a variety of effective metrics to detect failures, including dependencies, lines of code, etc.

2. Stack Overflow Auto Complete 

This autocomplete tool in the popular Stack Overflow platform has become one of the best exponents of how to incorporate artificial intelligence functionality into a software development tool. The Stack Exchange tool with website development services offers options to autocomplete fully functional lines of code from existing code data and developer intentions.

3. Deep Code

A Zurich start-up has developed Deep Code, a programming tool that works as a code assistant as artificial intelligence solutions for software development projects. This tool is capable of learning from a large number of programming rules - about 250,000 - which are accessed through public and private repositories on GitHub. Based on these rules and the appropriate context, the tool suggests possible ways to fix the code to programmers. It is already considered a beneficial tool for the correction of errors and code optimization.


Any experienced mobile application development company that has worked on a certain number of projects of different scope and degree of complexity can offer almost perfect estimates of the delivery times of a new program. However, there are factors - such as a high volume of artificial intelligence programming errors or the adaptation of new customer needs that arise during projects - that may affect the delivery schedule. In this regard, artificial intelligence can help development companies increase the degree of accuracy of their estimated delivery schedules, from the analysis of data from similar projects through artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities.

The AI allows defining calendars and deadlines with a much higher degree of revision, evaluating a wide range of data from the software development project, including functionalities, estimated time frames for the implementation of each functionality, employee profiles and their history, project schedules similar, etc. with Enterprise Mobility Solutions. AI allows offering much more reliable predictions than those made by the staff, which does not have the same capacity to handle all the details.

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