laravel livewire remove temporary image

* Here is the HTML that should trigger the following method:
* <button wire:click="removeMe">Remove</button>
* Thsi will call the removeMe() method inside a Livewire controller

public function removeMe()
  $this->image = '';

If you would like to remove the temporaryImage() from a Laravel livewire upload image. You can easily set the $image or the $photo to an empty string and that will remove the temporary image. You will need to clean up the actual file itself; however, programmatically it will clear the temporaryUrl() from the object.

BETA Snippet explanation automatically generated by OpenAI:

Here is what the above code is doing:
1. The removeMe() method is called when the button is clicked.
2. The image attribute is set to an empty string.
3. The $this->image variable is used later in the template to show the image.
4. The removeMe() method is used

Snippet By Tony Lea


Created January 14th, 2022


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