
Website posts, videos, courses, and more

Mr. Ånand · 1 year ago

Creating Personal Blog With Hugo and Netlify

In this Article! I am going to share the step-by-step method I followed while building a blog website using a static site generator Hugo and deploying it to Netlify. I encountered some small...

Muthu Annamalai Venkatachalam · 2 years ago

Basics of HTML and Everything you Need to Know about it

HTML is the markup language used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web. Together with CSS and JavaScript, it enables us to have beautiful and interactive websites. Sin...

Rahul · 2 years ago

Classes in JavaScript | Short yet smart guide

Classes were introduced in JavaScript ECMA2015. Unlike the classes in Object-Oriented Mode, JavaScript classes are just special type of functions. But instead of using the "function&quo...

Wael Manai · 5 years ago

Get a Preloader on Your Site with jQuery

Preloaders (a.k.a. loading animations) are animations that run between page-loads or as your site gathers information. The two most common types of preloaders are the ‘spinner’ or ‘status ba...

Tony Lea · 8 years ago

How to use Trello

Finding the right app to use to manage your tasks and to-dos can be difficult with all the tools available today. One tool that you'll make sure you don't want to pass up is Trello.Trello is...

Tony Lea · 8 years ago

Use Panda

Warning: This tool can be kind of a distraction at sometimes, but it can also be motivational... So it evens out. Just use it!Use Panda is a great tool for reading dev articles, checking out...

Tony Lea · 9 years ago - Free High Quality Images for your site

Finding the right image for your featured product or the fullscreen background of your website can make or break the viewers perception of your app. That's why it's important to find the bes...

Tony Lea · 12 years ago

5 Excellent Tools for Finding the Perfect Domain

Doesn't it seem like all the good '.com' domains are taken? I love coming up with new ideas, but when it comes to finding a new domain name it becomes impossible to find an available domain...

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