
Serverless posts, videos, courses, and more

Bobby Iliev · 1 year ago

How to use Materialize with DigitalOcean Serverless Functions

Introduction Materialize is a streaming database for real-time analytics. It was launched in 2019 to address the growing need for the ability to build real-time applications easily and effic...

Bobby Iliev · 1 year ago

Scaling Laravel with Serverless Redis

Introduction Laravel is a popular PHP framework for building scalable, high-performance web applications. In this article, we will learn how to use serverless Redis to scale Laravel applicat...

Bobby Iliev · 2 years ago

Serverless Node.js URL Shortener App powered by Upstash Kafka and Materialize

This is a simple Node.js URL shortener app that uses Cloudflare Workers. The app is powered by Cloudflare Workers and Upstash Redis for storing data and Kafka for storing the click events al...

Sandor · 2 years ago

How to create LinkedIn-like reactions with Serverless Redis

As a side hustle, I teach tech recruiters web and software development technologies using plain English. It helps them with understanding job specs and resumes and it makes all of us, tech p...

Bobby Iliev · 4 years ago

The good and the bad of using Vapor

Last year Tylor Otwell, the creator of the Laravel PHP framework, made an announcement about the new deployment platform named Laravel Vapor. It was a huge game-changer for th...

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