
Html5 posts, videos, courses, and more

amenaisabuwala · 1 year ago

Let's make JavaScript logo with HTML and CSS! 💛

Heyy Smarties! 😎 How are you all doing? Hope you all are doing well! Today we are gonna make a JS logo with HTML and CSS it's gonna be fun! 🥳 And when you'll make it you need to post on T...

Tapas Adhikary · 2 years ago

10 HTML anchor tag usages you must know(in short videos)

As a webdev, you must have used the anchor(a) tag ample times. The regular usages are, linking to a webpage, opening the page in a new tab, or linking to a page section. However, there are o...

Anish De · 2 years ago

Make a toast with HTML, CSS, and JS

Introduction Toasts are very useful for showing users some information. It has a wide variety of uses from displaying success messages for successful actions, showing error messages in case...

Tony Lea · 5 years ago

HTML5 Platform Game

In this course we'll be showing you how to create an HTML5 Platform Game. In this course we'll be walking through step-by-step on how to draw an intro screen, draw the character to the scree...

Wael Manai · 5 years ago

Create your first HTML5 game with Phaser.js

Everybody loves classic games. How many of you remember the retro snake game from old Nokia phones? We sure do. This is why for this lesson we decided to recreate it using HTML5. There is a...

Tony Lea · 13 years ago

HTML5 video 101

HTML 5 is the new HTML standard for constructing and building pages to be viewable in web browsers. HTML5 adds a lot of new features that HTML 4 never had a few of these features include loc...

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