
Java posts, videos, courses, and more

marinsborg · 1 year ago

URL shortener - Java & Spring tutorial

Introduction A URL shortener is a service that is used to create short links from very long URLs. Usually, short links have the size of one third or even one-fourth of the original URL, whic...

Deeksha Agarwal · 1 year ago

Finding Cross Browser Compatibility Issues in HTML and CSS

Cross browser compatibility bugs are inevitable for any web project irrespective of whatever platform they are using for development. And most importantly, they keep creeping in at every ite...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 2 years ago

The Ultimate Roadmap for Mobile Development in 2022

Without Android apps, we couldn't envision our lifestyles. The number of mobile phone users has increased dramatically in the last two years and continues to rise. The demand for Android dev...

Abhiraj Bhowmick · 2 years ago

5 programming languages that can make it big in 2022

We're all aware that tech is progressing at an alarming rate. It's common to see one technology surpass the other in terms of advancements and improvements. One thing that we must always kee...

Ketone Maniac · 2 years ago

Will this Flux break?

Let me start with a question: Will this Flux break? public static void main(String[] args) { Flux.interval(Duration.ofMillis(100)) .concatMap(i -> Mono.just(i) .delayElement(Du...

Petre Popescu · 2 years ago

5 simple coding tricks to make your application more stable

Article originally posted on my personal website under 5 coding tricks to make your application more stable The stability of your application or web service is important for both you and the...

Petre Popescu · 2 years ago

Cleaner Data classes with Project Lombok

Article originally posted on my personal website under How to use Lombok in your Java projects One thing that I like about Java is the vast amount of libraries that are freely available. The...

Petre Popescu · 2 years ago

How to invalidate a compromised JWT

In a past article, I wrote about JWTs, how to generate one and how to use them for authorization. JSON Web Tokens, however, have one major drawback. Once it is generated and submitted to the...

Petre Popescu · 2 years ago

Handling Exceptions and Errors in Play Framework

Article originally posted on my personal blog under How to handle Exception in Play Framework When programming, it is important to always take into consideration exceptions. No matter how we...

Petre Popescu · 2 years ago

How to make a custom message converter for Log4J2

Article originally posted on my personal website under Building a custom converter in Log4j2 I’ve been using Log4J for many years. It is a powerful logging library that is efficient and high...

Petre Popescu · 3 years ago

Building a REST API in Play Framework

Article originally posted on my personal website under Building a REST API in Play Framework. Sample requests can also be found there When building web applications, REST has become the most...

Petre Popescu · 3 years ago

Using “pepper” to increase password storing security

Article originally posted o my personal website under How to securely store the password using a salt and pepper In a previous article I wrote how to securely store a password in the databas...

Petre Popescu · 3 years ago

Using JSON Web Tokens for Authorization

Article originally posted on my personal website under Using JWT in Java A useful feature of a web application is the possibility to authorize a client to access certain features of the app....

Petre Popescu · 3 years ago

Keep your code well organized. How I structure my web project

Article originally posted on my personal website at How to organize your web project It is easy to get carried away and just write code. The code may even work as intended but trust me that,...

Petre Popescu · 3 years ago

Designing and Coding Event Management in Java

An improved version and source code on my personal website: How to code events in Java A few years ago, back when ActionScript 3 was still used, but barely, I wanted to try game development...

Petre Popescu · 3 years ago

Building a form in Play Framework

Almost all websites require a form in one way or another. It can be as simple as a search field or a more complex form with many inputs and validation mechanisms. Either way, the main princi...

Petre Popescu · 3 years ago

You should always do server-side validation! Always!

Original article with another example on my personal website Web technologies have evolved a lot in the past few years, both on the server-side as well as on the client’s side. There are man...

Ketone Maniac · 3 years ago

Organising Common Code via Spring Annotations and Bean Registry

Motivation The project that I work on is a vast net of 40+ microservices, mainly divided into Apps (those with UI code) Services (all the heavyweight logic and interfacing downstream/upstre...

Petre Popescu · 3 years ago

How to properly store a password in the Database

Article originally posted on my website un How to securely store the password in the Database When I started LOGaritmical, one of the first functionalities that I implemented was registering...

Petre Popescu · 3 years ago

How to use String UUID in Hibernate with MySQL

When creating the database structure it is important to make sure that each row in a table has a unique ID so that it can be easily indexed, retrieved, and manipulated when needed. The most...

Ketone Maniac · 3 years ago

Reactor onErrorContinue VS onErrorResume

This seems one of the hot searches for Reactor, at least when I type onErrorContinue in Google, onErrorResume would pop up beside it. Let me paste my testing code with some of my interpretat...

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